Monday, July 20, 2020

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 20, 2020

Maritime Self-Defense Force training ships Kashima and Shimayuki conduct a passing exercise with the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier in the South China Sea on July 7. | U.S. NAVY VIA REUTERS

Brad Glosserman, Japan Times: New U.S. harder line doesn’t demand a military solution in the South China Sea

The United States last week issued a statement dismissing China’s claims to resources in the South China Sea and condemning Beijing’s “bullying” to enforce them. Washington’s policy is not new, but it more clearly aligns U.S. policy with international law and offers renewed support for countries that China is challenging with its expansive territorial claims.

It is another front in the campaign that the Trump administration is waging against China, a reminder to Beijing that the U.S. is not distracted by the COVID-19 pandemic and is not to be counted out of regional security affairs.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 20, 2020

'Made in China' on the nose as push to tame Beijing gathers pace -- Stephen Bartholomeusz, Sydney Morning Herald

The United States Has Gotten Tough on China. When Will It Get Strategic? -- Jude Blanchette, CSIS

Taiwan Tiptoes in Cross-Strait Relations. -- Nicholas Chiu, The Interpreter

Honk Kong Needs Help -- Ambassador Kurt Volker, CEPA

Is Erdogan after a Caucasus adventure? -- Fehim Tastekin, Al-Monitor

Fire in the Caucasus: Can It Be Extinguished? -- Stephen Blank, RCD

COVID Likely to Delay Pentagon War Games in Mideast -- J. Szuba, Al Monitor

Libya’s Expanding Proxy War May Be the Ultimate Test of NATO’s Resilience -- Candace Rondeaux, WPR

Setting the Records Straight in Iraq -- Michael P. Brill, War On The Rocks

The big engine that might: How France and Germany can build a geopolitical Europe -- European Council on Foreign Relations

Cuba and the US: A love-hate relationship -- Oliver Pieper, DW

When the U.S. sneezes, the world catches a cold. What happens when it has severe COVID-19? -- Howard Schneider, Reuters

Where is the grief over COVID-19 victims? -- Astrid Prange, DW

Has the world order failed? (Video) -- Al Jazeera

1 comment:

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