Monday, July 20, 2020

FBI Using The Travel Company Sabre For Global Surveillance

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Forbes: The FBI Is Secretly Using A $2 Billion Travel Company As A Global Surveillance Tool

American border patrol already has significant surveillance powers and collects vast amounts of data on who is flying into and out of the country. But the U.S. has another tool to watch over travellers across the world thanks to a little-known but influential Texan business called Sabre. As the biggest of three companies that store the vast majority of the world’s travel information—from airline seats to hotel bookings — Sabre has been called on to hand over that travellers’ data and, on at least one occasion, do “real-time” tracking of a suspect. And, say former employees, the same powerful trove of information could be used to help monitor the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Update #1: FBI reportedly uses a travel company's data for worldwide surveillance (Endgadet)
Update #2: FBI Secretly Using Major Global Travel Company as Worldwide Surveillance Tool (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: I am surprised that it is the FBI that is doing this type of global surveillance. You would think it would be the responsibility of the CIA.


Anonymous said...

Is that the same Sabre that bought out Dunder Mifflin?

Anonymous said...

What we need to be doing is to monitoring and dismantling the deep state

Chris Wray Hires Jason Jones, a Partner at Rod Rosenstein’s Law Firm and Associate of Sally Yates, as FBI General Counsel

George Bush had a chance and was trying to be a great president.

Trump is a great president.

Okay, Trump may be average and just looks great in comparison with Obama (or any Democrat).

We are picking apart the Russian Collusion lie.

We went from the dossier to Christopher Steele to Igor Danchenko (an actual Russian.) who is a Steele employee, Fiona Hill mentee, and deep state operative.

Anonymous said...


After the FBI's politicised performance under obamma's reign that still continues at a lower tempo with FIA compliance and Wray's less than impressive management I have to agree. Can they do the job?

Andrew Jackson said...

The FBI needs to go.

Anonymous said...

Notice how focused AJ's comment is. It is not throwing red meat to fellow partisans. It is not a flip comment. It is not any of those things.

Wray went to the same company that has Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates? Really? I don't think that Trump and by extension his voters can get a fair shake.

If Trump colluded rove it. If he did and you can't prove it then maybe we need a total housecleaning of the FBI and CIA, All that wire tapping and nada.

If he did not collude then we still need a house cleaning. You study history and wonder why this or that empire fell apart. The usual suspect is civil war, infighting. Here in America we have a civil War. The Left is at war with anyone not Left.

kidd said...

but why have it

kidd said...

rule without a gun u fool

Jac said...

I don't think that CIA has the right to do anything inside US territory. Its job is only abroad.

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