Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Islamic State's New Leader Has A Reputation For Brutality

ISIS leader Mohammed Al Mawla now has a $10m bounty on his head.

The National: Al Mawla: new ISIS leader has a reputation for brutality

Little is know about the man who replaced Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, who was killed in a US raid last October.

With monikers as divergent as the "Professor" and the "Destroyer", ISIS's new head has a reputation for brutality, but otherwise remains largely an enigma.

Amir Mohammed Said Abd Al Rahman Al Mawla replaced Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi after his death in a raid by US special forces last October.

Al Mawla was initially presented to the world by ISIS as Abu Ibrahim Al Hashimi Al Qurashi – a man about whom America and Iraq had little intelligence.

US officials later came to believe that Al Qurashi was Al Mawla's nom de guerre, recognising him in March as the new head of ISIS.

Read more ....

Update: How new ISIS leader ‘The Destroyer’ rose to power through brutal campaigns of rape and slaughter (The SUN)

WNU Editor:This guy is a piece of work. Not surprising. The US wants him badly .... U.S. doubles bounty on ISIS leader to $10 million (CNBC).


kidd said...

china made a deal with this fool

Anonymous said...

Take it to the bank that we're entering an intense phase of cold war now

I know I know WNU argues it's not as bad as back then with Russia yet.

BUT there was always mutual respect between the west and Russia. It was based on shared culture, religion, even race.

This is not the case with the CCP/China. Nearly a hundred million Chinese are directly CCP members. There's an attitude towards the west that is entirely different. It is not about mutually beneficial coexistence. There's no respect in China for the west(and just so you know, even less so for other nations including many Asian nations). The Chinese see us as second class citizens in the new world order and they will not accept if you decline their "offer".

It is an entirely different, hyper nationalistic culture.

They exterminate by covert means. Sterilisation. Birth control. Uighur population(muslims) in concentration camps. Their population has dropped by 84% over just 10 years. It's ethnic cleansing.

And if you think christianity is protected you're a fool and haven't paid attention to the churches being pulled down, pastors being detained. Books burned.

It is as if history repeats itself. The CCP is very very similar in its actions to Nazis. Sure you'd say they haven't attacked anyone.

Well.. except Indians just couple weeks ago. Surprise attack to "teach them a lesson". Butchered. Clubbed to death.

Good luck to us all. We will need it more than you might think. The world enters a very dangerous phase and our leaders must unite in front of this evil.

We need to push back. And we need to demand reparations for the CCP organised theft in trillions. The people that died of this is unmeasurable. The amount of people died because of this theft, trillions missing from our industries send budgets means we cannot afford medical care. Families falling apart. Suicides. Birth rates dropping. On top the millions that will have died of the Wuhan virus. On top trillions in economic damages. They let this happen wilfully, permitting flights to leave to all over the world.

They don't say it, because they're not honest, but we are at war