Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Pictures Emerge Of The Fire Damage Aboard The USS Bonhomme Richard

10 News ABC San Diego Screencap

Warzone/The Drive: Two Decks Are Thought To Separate Fire On USS Bonhomme Richard From 1M Gallons Of Fuel (Updated)

The Navy says it is throwing everything it has at fighting the blaze on the stricken amphibious assault ship as it enters into its 28th hour.

Rear Admiral Philip Sobeck addressed reporters at 11:00 AM local time in San Diego to provide new information on the ongoing fire aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6) that has now burned continuously for 27 hours. The press conference follows a terrible night for the ship, which saw the fire expand to its bridge and greater island superstructure, partially melting its upper forward portion. The ship now lists at the pier as firefighting efforts continue at a frantic pace from both the air and the ground.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A former amphibious assault ship commander said the ship was too far gone for it to be worth fixing .... Over 400 US Navy sailors are desperately fighting the 1,000-degree fire raging on a warship for more than a day (Business Insider). Looking at the pictures that have been released showing the extent of the damage within the ship .... sighhh .... I will have to agree.

Update: Navy Officials Fear USS Bonhomme Richard Fire Has Damaged It Beyond Repair (WSJ).


Anonymous said...

Good work is not cheap and cheap work well you see what that is. Shame on General dynamics for replacing seasoned workers with minimum wage sub contractors.

Anonymous said...

"The area where the fire started, which was the lower vehicle storage area, was filled with cardboard, rags, drywall, and other combustible material."

"Due to the ship undergoing maintenance, there is debris scattered throughout the passageways of the ship making it challenging to safely fight the fire. "

Usually the CO is fired in times like this. Usually.

If the CO is fired, it will be for housekeeping among other things. I could see the CO being relaxed, while in port for a maintenance period. I could see where this is very important. What is the point of being as keyed up in port as in the South China Sea. It screws with a persons parameters IMO. My solution is to have a Blue team Gold team. That is a team that is responsible for being keyed up and, anal while the ship is in port. I base it on the concept that stress is okay even needed, but you should relieve it at intervals. A weekend at a titty bar boozing it up is not it.

Still trying to wrap my mind around drywall. Not sure what to make of the rags. Yeah they are ubiquitous and necessary, but it is almost sounding like they are asking for it.

If the fire and damage had been confined to the deep well it would have been salvageable. But the brains or at least part of the brain in the island were gutted that with burn through in many places ...yeah they should scrap it after the investigation.

I would suggest that they wait a year before scrapping it and run everyone in the Navy in San Diego run through it to make them think about it. Anything over a year and I think it would just become a ticket punch and lose the effect of 'wonderfully concentrating' people's minds. Film isn't quite the same.

More on a blue team gold team or a sea fighter / yard team. A tour is 2 or 3 years. You could have a CO, who has spent most of their time in maintenance and no time in the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, or South China Sea. How do you truly rank them against CO's who have? Is it fair? The purpose of the force, the ship, the aviator, the Surface Warfare officer is warfighting, being prepared, dissuading a peer, or actually fighting. So why rank a CO, who lucked out (or was cursed) for a tour during a maintenance period, against someone who went out to sea?

The Navy has the highest turnover rate. So why not keep some people at home in another way? For good service maybe some one could transition to Maintenance CO.

There are obvious disadvantages in manpower costs and dynamic savings also.

Andrew Jackson said...

I can't wait for the investigation!

Anonymous said...

"Good work is not cheap and cheap work well you see what that is. Shame on General dynamics for replacing seasoned workers with minimum wage sub contractors."

There was no welding in the start area. Unless a yard worker was smoking where they were not supposed to be smoking and thew the butt on some rags, I am thinking this is sabotage.

By a sailor not wanting to go to sea.

By a contractor

General craziness caused by the Left

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