Wednesday, July 22, 2020

President Trump To 'Surge' Federal Agents To Chicago And Other Cities To Tackle Violent Crime

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump says he is surging 'hundreds' of feds to Chicago to tackle 'violent crime' including Homeland Security officers city's mayor Lori Lightfoot has slammed - and threatens surge in more cities

* Trump said more federal agents are being sent to Chicago and Albuquerque, NM, to tackle violence in expansion of 'Operation Legend'
* AG Bill Barr said it was a 'classic crime fighting' operation
* He distinguished it from the use of agents in Portland
* Move would be under supervision of Department of Justice and involve FBI, DEA and ATF agents tacking on gun crime
* Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot tweeted she won't let federal troops 'terrorize' the city
* But she says she spoke to U.S. attorney who told her FBI, DEA, and ATF would come in to assist the city's anti-crime fight - which she supports
* At least 15 people were wounded at a funeral home in the city's South Side Tuesday
* Crime has soared in Chicago - there were 116 murders over the 28 days through July 19, an increase of nearly 200 percent, police department data shows
* Reason for the deployment to New Mexico is less clear and mayor has said he does not want federal involvement, while sheriff is to be at White House
* Administration faces blowback for conduct of Homeland Security Investigations agents in Portland
* Agents have arrested protesters and pulled them into unmarked vehicles

Donald Trump announced Wednesday he was sending 'hundreds' of federal agents into Chicago and other cities to combat street violence – including an influx of a controversial Homeland Security unit that has been deployed in Portland.

Following a spate of gun violence in Chicago, plus clashes between federal agents and protesters that have stretched on for weeks in Portland, Trump said he ordered an 'immediate surge' of agents into the nation's third largest city.

'The FBI, ATF, DEA, US Marshalls Service and Homeland Security will together be sending hundreds of skilled law enforcement officers to Chicago to help drive down violent crime,' Trump said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Not surprising that many of the officials who run these cities are not happy with this deployment .... Philly DA Says He'll Prosecute Trump 'Stormtroopers' Sent To Control BLM Chaos (Zero Hedge).

More News On President Trump Ordering A 'Surge' Of Federal Agents To Chicago And Other Cities To Tackle Violent Crime

US mayors sign letter opposing use of federal law enforcement against protesters – live -- The Guardian
Trump to 'surge' federal agents to Chicago, other cities, amid spike in violent crime -- FOX News
New York, Chicago vow court action if Trump sends in federal agents -- France 24
Portland's anti-rascism protesters defy US federal agents -- DW
Portland protests: US federal agents 'will not retreat', Chad Wolf says -- BBC
In pictures: 'Wall of Moms' joins Portland's anti-racism protests -- BBC


Anonymous said...

Or on CNN:

White supremacist man sends brown-shirt wearing Gestapo troops to wrongfully imprison misunderstood protestors


If you grow up in a fcked up environment with good chances to be shot before you're 18 unless you're IN a gang and there's no jobs and everyone in your gang does hard drugs, of course you are set on a horrible path.

BUT withdrawing or defunding police is not the way to go. Unfortunately I don't have any black friends from Chicago, but most blacks I've heard commenting on this issue think to agree that removing police is causing more crime and harming the poor first.

If any president can fix the real issues in poor neighbourhoods, it's Trump. BUT the money cannot go to these "community organisers", it has not worked for decades. Hundreds of billions spent. Things got worse.

You need to create a local business friendly environment, but NOT big business. You need to invest in small businesses that can generate income for their local neighbourhood.

And you need police and safety to increase investor confidence, because the government cannot do all of the lifting.

And you need to rethink how to address the school system in these areas.

Finally, it has been shown over and over that boys who grow up without fathers are multiple(!!) times more likely to do drugs, go to prison and so on, making the cycle repeat itself.

So there's something to say about the dads and much has been said.

What has NOT, and I mean never been addressed are the women that get pregnant, choose to have a child, even if he or she grows up without a dad. Often to get money or just for having a child. That is a big problem too and just because women scream at you if you even dare to criticize them doesn't change this truth.

We need to ask more of men, yes, but we glorify women who are just horrible women in many cases and it needs to stop. Accountability needs to go both ways!

But the vilification of men is great book material and gets you in talk shows and you get rich this way. Try the same the other way around. Every man knows that if you even dare to criticise women/womanhood publicly you lose your job and worse. To me, that's a clear sign of a sick society. One rule for thee, another rule for me.

Anonymous said...

Bootlickers of the world unite!

Andrew Jackson said...

Send in the Marines!

Anonymous said...

This seems like a solution in search of a problem. When was graffiti designated a violent crime?

Matthew Putnam said...

Anon 8:15,

Congrats! You win the "most stupid comment of the month" and are hereby awarded the medal of total plunker idiot. The sheer stupidity and complete head-up-your-ass Trump Derangement Syndrome you display makes me need to ask you to kill yourself. How did you even make it to adulthood?



Anonymous said...

But Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Saturday that citations and jail time could be potential consequences for residents failing to comply with the order.

Her Royal Highness, the evil little imp demon and Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, is tough on people holding parties, but not arsonists, murderers, rapists and other criminals.

Anonymous said...

Nice rant Matt. Please point out some of the violent crimes occurring in these cities. I'm having trouble finding them. I'm also sure the addition of goon squads will quell any violence.


Anonymous said...

"This seems like a solution in search of a problem. When was graffiti designated a violent crime?"

You trolling? Trying to be funny or just ignorant?

"Because paint, spray paint, brushes, etc are not illegal - the crime often committed when deploying graffiti is vandalism. It is a form of theft. There is nothing inherently illegal about drawing a picture of a cat. ... What's illegal is spray painting on somebody else's property without their consent"

Vandalism is not a cutesy crime.

Vandalism takes a lot of money to repair,

If the Stone that graffiti is sprayed on is soft stone it will lessen the life of the object.

Often the graffiti is gang symbols which are designed to intimidate people. They are a

Tearing down statues is not graffiti.

Lighting fires is not graffiti. The murder rates are up in all Democrat occupied cities.

Anonymous said...

Please point out some of the violent crimes occurring in these cities.

The murder rate is up asshole. That info is not hard to find.

Tax revenues are down. So forget about those school lunches.

Anonymous said...

"The murder rate is up asshole."

That really clears things up. Much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Well you are going to play the fuck fuck game of ""I can't look it up myself, so if you do not link it, then it is not reality."

Murders are up over a 1/3rd.

But I admire you dedication and wisdom. You are willing to fight until the last black person ides and then you will consider going straight. All POC are to you is cannon fodder.

Anonymous said...

Chicago is one of the most dangerous cities on EARTH and as bad as it was before murder rate is up several double digit percent. Maybe 200%, rendering it in the top 50 worst cities on all of earth. This includes Baghdad, Iraq and Alepo, Syria. Do you understand now this is not just about graffiti?:) I know you were trolling. I live on a different continent and am aware of how bad Chicago - another Democrat run city - has gotten.

If you care about black people, and I know most people do(in fact out of tens of thousands of encounters I had in my life there wasn't one who didn't care.. well maybe one, but that person was not a racist, but a psychopath/ sociopath not caring for anyone.. that happens in nature.. but most humans care)

So as we all care, and I have no stake in this game as I'm not American and can't vote, I think it's good Trump sends in forces because even I know that black kids get shot up there on almost a weekly basis now. It needs to stop.

And to me it's a clear sign that Trump is not a racist. A racist would just let the city implode, business move away and crime run rampant. Trump strikes me as a family guy.. he's a tough guy but he also plays a tough guy, that's his persona within the US and outside(and it's very important to him and has worked so far to reduce war abroad and draw back troops)...

Bringing security will bring business confidence, which will bring jobs, which will bring dignity which will bring a sense of purpose and self esteem and with it reduce the necessity and attractiveness of crime.

I say GO TRUMP! And I think many blacks support this move because they're trapped there

But the media's play will be this: hype fear, amplify violence and hope something come up that they can use to satisfy their Chinese / Democrat bosses and ideally get him out of office

Anonymous said...

"A study by the Police Executive Research Forum found homicide rates rising during the pandemic in nine US cities.

Nashville reported the biggest bump, with a 233% increase in murders over the same four-week period in 2019.

Other cities have also cited spikes in homicides, including New York City, Houston, and Kansas City, Missouri."

Anonymous said...

A percentage increase should always be looked at in context. For example..1 death last week , 200% increase could mean 2-3 deaths now.

I don't know the numbers of Nashville before the pandemic BUT I do know Chicago and NYC were already quite high. That's why it's so crazyyyyyy that they increased by 200%...

Some areas in Chicago are so dangerous you can just sit outside, or even be INSIDE your home and get shot.. depending on neighbourhood of course.

Anonymous said...


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