Sunday, July 12, 2020

President Trump Wears A Face Mask On A Visit To Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland

All of those present with the president were photographed wearing face masks

Daily Mail: Finally, The Donald dons a mask: Trump covers his face in public for the first time on visit to Walter Reed to visit troops after 'pressure from aides amid surging COVID-19 cases nationwide'

* The president visited Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland on Saturday
* Trump was photographed at the medical facility wearing a face mask openly for the first time
* Aides 'pleaded' with president to be photographed in a mask, CNN reported, amid fears of COVID's spread
* He has usually declined to do so, but on May 21 he wore a face mask in Michigan to visit a Ford factory
* Trump arrived at the medical facility at 5:24pm, saw patients, and took off for the White House at 6:25pm

Donald Trump has donned a face mask to visit recuperating military personnel at the Walter Reed military hospital, in a rare nod to the coronavirus pandemic.

The president has repeatedly shrugged off suggestions of wearing a mask, saying that it causes people to touch their face too much and so is not helpful.

Health experts agree that face masks are useful at stopping the spread of COVID-19.

People close to him have told The Associated Press that the president feared a mask would make him look weak and was concerned that it shifted focus to the public health crisis rather than the economic recovery.

As he left the White House on Saturday afternoon he told reporters: 'When you're in a hospital, especially, I think it's expected to wear a mask.'

Trump told Fox News on Thursday that he would wear a face mask during the trip.

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More News On President Trump Wearing A Face Mask On A Visit To Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland

Trump wears mask in public for first time during pandemic -- AP
Donald Trump wears mask in public for first time during Covid-19 pandemic -- The Guardian
Donald Trump wears mask in public for first time during coronavirus pandemic -- ABC News Online
Coronavirus: Donald Trump wears face mask for the first time -- BBC
In a first, Trump dons masks in visit to a military medical facility -- Reuters


Anonymous said...

Did he wear diapers?

I ask this as a CHUD who loves his president.

Anonymous said...

Projecting Parrot pipes up again.

Anonymous said...

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.

Anonymous said...

In another major victory, democrats scored again in defunding the police.

2 Texas police officers killed in ambush attack; suspect dead, authorities say

A Democrat on air personality celebrated the kilig of police and crackers.

Democrats just keep on winning!

Anonymous said...

cite source

Peters is a Dallas based community activist and part of the Botham Jean Memorial Committee, which is pushing to rename Lamar Street after Jean.

Jean, 26, was killed inside his apartment on South Lamar Street in September 2018 by an off-duty Dallas police officer who said she mistakenly believed she was entering her apartment.

A Dallas County jury sentenced Amber Guyger to ten years in prison after being found guilty of murder in October 2019.

Anonymous said...

Parrot what is your major malfunction?

You don't believe that some radio show host on an urban station in Houston or Dallas would not call police officer crackas and celebrate when they are shot dead?

Anonymous said...

Not the article I was logging for, but it covers all the bases.

They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops

I also notice that you

- Were to lazy to do a web search on your own. Or maybe, since SQL is like diagramming sentences, that sort of thing is foreign to you.

- You got defensive used two tu quoque arguments.

The problem with you fallacy is that the other side admits that there are a percentage of bad cops, where as you stand firmly, wherever the winds go in liberal debating points.

Anonymous said...

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." - Rules for Radicals

1) Contact the Biden administration and ask them to be fair. This would be delicious. Just wind them up, gently set them dow,n and watch them destroy.

2) Show BLM/Occupy Wallstreet/Antifa things to do that they always do. Get back to nature.

3) Support Planned Parenthood.