Friday, July 10, 2020

U.S. Approves $620 Million Patriot Missile Upgrade Package For Taiwan

Taiwan first bought Patriot missiles from the US in 2007, during George W. Bush’s presidency. Photo: CNS

SCMP: Taiwan hails defensive capability after US approves sale of missile upgrade

* US$620 million deal ‘demonstrates the importance attached to our national defence security’, Taiwanese defence ministry says
* The sale adds to the island’s deterrent against regional threats, according to Washington

The United States has approved the US$620 million sale of a missile upgrade to Taiwan
at a sensitive moment when Beijing has stepped up sabre-rattling against the island through various military drills.

Taiwan’s presidential office welcomed the sales on Friday soon after the US state department announced a package to extend the operational life of Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) surface-to-air missiles.

The sale – the second by the US to Taiwan this year – would “help us to continue our defensive capability and ensure peace in the Taiwan Strait and security in the region”, presidential spokesman Alex Huang said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China is not impressed with the sale .... US arms sales to Taiwan more ‘symbolic’ than of military value: expert (Global Times). Accuses Taiwan of being under the control of the U.S. .... Taiwan Now Under ‘Deep Control’ Of The US; China Vows To Get It Back (Eurasian Times).

More News On the U.S. Approving A $620 Million Patriot Missile Upgrade Package For Taiwan

Patriot surface-to-air missiles to Taiwan -- Reuters
Taiwan commends approved U.S. weapons sale worth $620M -- UPI
U.S. approves Taiwan's PAC-3 air defense recertification request -- Focus Taiwan
US approves Taiwan Patriot III missile recertification request -- Taiwan News


RussInSoCal said...

They declared a Cold War. They might just get one.

B.Poster said...


Are you ready for a Cold War with China? One wrong move and it could the war could become "hot." I'm not saying don't do it. We need to think this through carefully. We are already in a Cold War with Russia and Russia and China are allies. Is this something we can sustain much less win? We need go think carefully. Perhaps this is a time where submission is worse than defeat and we need to fight this.

Unfortunately I would tend to agree that the Patriot missiles are mostly symbolic. They had only limited effect against Iraq. It's hard to imagine them being effective against a major military like China.

I'm pretty sure Taiwan does not want to be seen as any kind of puppet of America. They beed allies. If those are the optics, it seems unlikely they can build the alliances they need.

I've suggested steps they can take else where to bolster their defenses. For starters, I'd suggest they develop a robust nuclear deterrent and quickly.

If we do decide that yes we do meet to be in a Cold War with China and we very well may, I think we will need to rethink our military doctrine. We will need allies for this. Frankly much of our leadership is questionable at best. As such, it seems unlikely any type of potent alliance would allow us to lead this. Generally for these types of things to work good leadership is needed.

Jac said...

It is just a step, as we did in thew cold war.

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