Friday, July 24, 2020

U.S. Officials Enter Chinese Consulate In Houston

CNN: US agents enter Chinese consulate compound in Houston after deadline for closure passes

Washington (CNN)US federal agents and local law enforcement entered the Chinese consulate compound in Houston Friday afternoon following Tuesday's order to close the diplomatic facility after US officials alleged it was part of a larger Chinese espionage effort using diplomatic facilities around the US.

A series of black SUVs, trucks, two white vans and a locksmith's van entered the property as a crowd of observers and news cameras observed from the edge of the diplomatic compound.

US officials speaking to reporters Friday said the consulate had been implicated in a fraud investigation at a Texas research institution and that Chinese consulate officials, "were directly involved in communications with researchers and guided them on what information to collect."

Read more ....

Update #1: US takes over former Chinese consulate in Houston (The Hill)
Update #2: U.S. officials take over Chinese consulate in Houston (Houston Chronicle)
Update #3: US officials force their way into Chinese consulate in Houston after it is shut down amid accusations Beijing used it as base to steal medical research (Daily MAil)

WNU Editor: They will find nothing.


Anonymous said...

They already burned everything, so why enter?

fazman said...

To retrieve the bugging devices lol

Anonymous said...

Because it's homeland America

It is now no longer a sovereign status area within the continental United States.

As soon as the deadline passed the territory must be handed back. Not having entered would have sent the Chinese a signal that they can push Americans around even on their homeland, in a major US city

Good for Trump. He didn't even blink.
That order came from the top, make nikki mistake about it.

Now. The diplomats have to leave immediately. That means if they were not able to remove everything, the US can learn from eg wire installations in walls, any mini uavs, documents, masks, passports, drives in copy machines left behind etc etc

And more importantly. It humiliated China.

For decades now, with the onset ofc the Chinese Olympics, China's main achievement was make us(the dumb media) believe China will be invincible.

The theft and rapid growth of China is a coordinated mission in this

Much in China has been faked. The GDP by up to 30% at the satellite analysis here showed. The endless list of fake stock prices at their exchange and for many international listed Chinese companies. The gold scandal was the latest.

See, China did grow quickly. But much of the growth is also fake. A choreographed attack on the western mind to believe in the myth of a sure 21st Chinese century

It is war by other means and very Asian. I've lived in Asia for several years and understand the importance of show and make believe in China. You have it in their theaters. You have it in their hotels. Their fake products. And you especially have it in the war by other means.

The Chinese war by other means was based on psychological, information, cultural and educational warfare.

You have seen nothing yet.

For the Chinese this now means Trump must not only go, but worse. Xi must immediately retaliate, at least give internally a very significant order. Worsening of cyber theft, leaking of very unpleasant information of high ranking openly public Trump supporters. Media attacks. Perhaps even a move on Taiwan. And perhaps with ultimatum, stand down narrative and educational material propagated through the NYTimes and CNN; targeting of Trump voting base. The farmers for sure, trade deal is off, and they'll also target Elon Musk, who must be very annoying to them anyways.

Our return answer must be 4 fold and coordinated with the alliance and very well communicated throughout the world. This might be the most important message of this century or beyond. They will otherwise not stop.

This is the time for leaders.
It'll be a hot 2020

Anonymous said...

My advice would be to revoke all Chinese H1N1 visas as part of the next move. Enough Americans looking for a job now and don't believe in the myth Americans wouldn't be able to fill those jobs. That's a lie. It's racist and insults the American people.

And bring every American back home from China and Hong Kong beforehand, ideally now, because all those people and assets remaining in China might be seized in their counter response if they cannot go once step higher they'll go for seizing of US assets on their mainland, nationalise them and use the backdrops of very serious looking Chinese going into offices and pulling Americans at their hairs and shoving them and a lot of shouting to show dominance. That's part of China too, you must understand. Then there will be tons of forced video confessions and long, long prison sentences - for any American or Westerner, especially the UK.

I hope European leaders understand what this is. This , right now, is the time when you decide on our behalf in which world we will live. Stand with the USA and the western system of all equal, freedom, freedom of speech, or see a new tyranny consuming much of the 21st century from which we won't come back quickly.

If you pussy out now, they will win.

Our media, like in no modern time before, must now choose. Help unite us. Stop the lies.

Anonymous said...

Also if any more time would have passed the Democrats or even just some people in their party or Antifa would have looked for a way to exploit the situation.

A Chinese Lives Matter march would be too transparent, but they were sure thinking about it. Maybe not many but the longer this would have gone on, Biden would have made a speech to "Build up that wall!".... but not the American border, you see, but the Chinese embassy wall.

The left (not all but there's an element) has a bunch of appeasers and sorry sorry people when it comes to global politics especially.

You must understand that in China apologising is a form of showing extreme weakness, that you were utterly wrong (only then or between friends you ever apologise) and can be seen as degradation/ ultimate humiliation if done publicly. This is not the time for that. If you appease now or appear very divided or weakened you will make them CCP go for Taiwan much more likely than if you show strength.

But you must absolutely win the media war that also in Europe is dominated by China. Our people literally die of a Chinese virus and the Chinese grip over our media is so strong that there isn't even a discussion over reparations. But slavery, hundreds of years back, despite all the progress made, now that's as hot hot topic. The#1 topic. Not your savings being destroyed. Not your people dying. Not the ware we've been in with China for years now. No no. Systemic racism. And we don't talk at all about the racism in China. The ethnic cleansing over there. The imprisonment and harassment of Christians and Jews. The totalitarianism we all might face soon. NO. DISCUSS ANYTHING BUT RACISM AND YOU'RE A RACIST.

The ultimate weapon.

Blinding us. Dividing us. Destroying our culture and making a mockery of our progress while they shove unwanted in trains.

People wonder how Nazi Germany happened.
By being blinded and looking away.

Anonymous said...

Final point on the topic of apologising and seeking forgiveness. It is important that we do this as nations, but it cannot be that only we apologise.

If you apologise in China you'll be marked as being wrong and the status of China would be lifted up despite all their atrocities and theft and murder. No change would come and their internal propaganda would use it up much more as less and less information from the outside world gets into China.

This cannot happen. Therefore, if we want to grow as humans, something the left always wants but neglects real politics, apologies must be done in reciprocity. Until then you gotta show them the eagle. In the right hand, corn, a sign of peace and prosperity. In the left, arrows.

The right hand is more symbolic. We want peace. That's why the peaceful corn, wealth, growth is in the right. But we're prepared to push back and hard. The Chinese population needs to be reminded of the might of the US and now.

One of the reasons why Trump wanted a military parade was to show that we've got missiles too. Not to their armies. They know full well and have copies. No. The message is for the population. Just as the Chinese and Russian parades are messages to us, and for one day to get a hard on over there and booze for everyone. Nothing wrong with that. :)) but we don't message anymore. A key pillar of MAD is to remind everyone what the end looks like. What it sounds like. The smell we can't even do. But people should be reminded that there's not only a newborn Chinese dragon but also a very deadly, experienced American eagle.

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