Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Another Night Of Rioting, Arson, And Looting Expected In The City Of Kenosha Tonight

Daily Mail: Heavily armed civilians take to the streets of Kenosha to protect locals businesses as city braces for a third night of rioting, arson and looting in wake of cops shooting unarmed black father Jacob Blake in the back

* WARNING: Strong language
* Rioters looted shops and arsonists set buildings alight, torching much of the black business district Monday
* A small group of men can be seen carrying rifles and wearing combat gear as they protect local businesses
* 'They're destroying their own neighborhood. Don't f*** up your neighbors', one armed civilian says
* 'Essentially, our city was burned to the ground, building by building. Enough is enough', one official said
* Firefighters from about 30 fire departments around the region came to Kenosha after the Wisconsin city became the nation's latest flashpoint in a summer of racial unrest after the police shooting of Blake Sunday

Heavily armed civilians have been filmed protecting businesses in Kenosha after arsonists set buildings alight, torching much of the black business district Monday.

In footage taken by a local reporter, a small group of men can be seen carrying rifles and wearing combat gear as they protect local shops. They deny they are part of a militia.

The Wisconsin city became the nation's latest flashpoint in a summer of racial unrest after the police shooting black man Jacob Blake, 29, in the back Sunday. The shooting occurred three months after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis sparked nationwide protests against police brutality and racism.

Read more ....

More News On the Unrest In the City Of Kenosha

Wisconsin governor declares state of emergency, Kenosha braces for third night of unrest -- Reuters
Wisconsin governor declares emergency after police shooting of Blake -- Politico
‘We’ll burn your store down too’: Kenosha rioters show no remorse when confronted over razing local businesses (VIDEO) -- RT
Gov Evers Declares 'State Of Emergency' As Wisconsin Braces For 3rd Night Of Violence -- Zero Hedge


RussInSoCal said...

Guy had a criminal record that included pulling a gun in a nightclub. He's there at the residence where he was justly shot, over some issue with baby mommas.

Police are called and he's non-cooperative, fighting the police breaking from police detention and lunging into his vehicle for something.

And he had a current warrant. He broke for it because he was going to get arrested and put back in jail.

Like all the other BLM horseshit, it's once again a black prior criminal behaving like an animal with police and winding up getting themselves killed by police. Or in this case paralyzed.

Anonymous said...

Not my words. But screw these leeches on society

"Once again, there seems to be an effort to make a multiple-convicted felon, with at least one weapon charge in his background, along with numerous domestic arrests for beating women, and an active Warrant, into a victim.

This after videos show him walking away from cops, disobeying completely lawful orders to stop, shrugging off a couple Taser discharges and reaching into a car containing who-knows-what"

Anonymous said...

Russ, please run for sheriff. Your community needs you.

Anonymous said...

You're losing.

RussInSoCal said...

9:49 PM

Nah - I'll just keep running free deep inside your skull.

/lots of empty space.

Anonymous said...

Any cop of any nation would have shot a suspect, who had a rap sheet of using a gun and was disobeying police orders and reaching into a car.

His slow walk doesn't cut it. He can move slow, move slow and then whirl around real fast and shoot the cop.

Myself I am for no policing of black neighborhoods until African Americans get tired if the shit and beet the fuck out of black racists politicians, gangbangers and black activists,.

When they do that we can have policing again.

Of course we'll return the favor and beat the fuck out of the dirty white kids, who are arsonists, rapist and hooligans.

There is nothing in policing that says a law officer has to let the suspect get off the 1st shot or three before returning fire. Fucking liberals might think so, but consider how generally worthless a liberal typical is.

Russ is correct and person 9:36/9:49/10:03 is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

It's an honor to be owned by Russ.

He was the fastest 'tater peeler in Operation Praying Mantis. He even won a medal or two.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're losing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
