Monday, August 24, 2020

China's Air Force Is Rushing To Build Refuelling Tankers To Meet Its Needs In The Future

Artist's concept of a Y-20U with modern engines. Image via by78/SDF

Forbes: A Glimpse Into The Future: A Chinese Tanker Refuelling Chinese Stealth Fighters

The Chinese air force needs a strategic refueling tanker—badly. And it apparently is working hard to develop one. If and when it succeeds, this is what that tanker might look like.

An artist’s concept that appeared in a Chinese publication depicts a tanker variant of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s Y-20 airlifter topping off the tanks of two J-20 stealth fighters.

Most strikingly, the Y-20U tanker in the illustration boasts modern turbofan engines. In reality, the initial version of the tanker is likely to fly with older, less powerful engines that could limit its performance.

Tankers help to extend the flying range of fighters and other warplanes. They’re especially important in the western Pacific, where the likely battle zones can be a thousand miles or more from major landmasses and their large airfields.

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WNU Editor: You have to give credit to the Chinese where credit is due. They recognized that they have a problem, and they throw everything at it to solve it. Not having enough refuelling tankers for their air force has been an issue that Beijing has been aware of for a long time. No more now. I predict that in a short time they will be having more than enough refuelling tankers to meet their needs.


Stephen Davenport said...

Looks familiar doesn't, the Chinese are world class thieves

Anonymous said...

"Often those foreign entities gained favorable policy actions from the United States government just as the sons were securing favorable financial deals from those same entities."

In 2015, BHR joined forces with the automotive subsidiary of the Chinese state-owned military aviation contractor Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to buy American “dual-use” parts manufacturer Henniges.

"AVIC is a major military contractor in China. It operates “under the direct control of the State Council” and produces a wide array of fighter and bomber aircraft, transports, and drones — primarily designed to compete with the United States.

The company also has a long history of stealing Western technology and applying it to military systems. The year before BHR joined with AVIC, the Wall Street Journal reported that the aviation company had stolen technologies related to the US F-35 stealth fighter and incorporated them in their own stealth fighter, the J-31. AVIC has also been accused of stealing US drone systems and using them to produce their own."

Biden when you absolutely need to be defeated by the Chinese

Anonymous said...