Monday, August 24, 2020

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 24, 2020

David P. Goldman, Asia Times: Why there won’t be a US-China war

China has spent massively on anti-access/area denial weapons that would make war impractical for the US

In 1976, world heavyweight champion Mohammed Ali fought an exhibition bout in Tokyo with karate master Antonio Inoki. Inoki spent most of the match on his back kicking at Ali’s shins crab-fashion.

“Ali was only able to land two jabs while Inoki’s kicks caused two blood clots and an infection that almost resulted in Ali’s leg being amputated,” Wikipedia reports. “The match was not scripted and ultimately declared a draw.”

Archival footage can be viewed here showing Ali hoisting himself on the ropes to avoid Inoki’s crab kicks.

That’s why there won’t be a shooting war between the US and China. China has spent massively on anti-access/area denial weapons – A2/AD for short – that make war impractical.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 24, 2020

Does U.S. Need to Fear China Will Invade Taiwan? -- Hal Brands, Bloomberg

Everything going according to plan in China -- Pepe Escobar, Asia Times

Kim Yo Jong could be even worse for North Korea than Kim Jong Un, experts say -- Bruce Golding, NYPost

Death and Denial in Turkmenistan -- Catherine Putz, The Diplomat

Who is poisoning Russian dissidents and why? -- Roman Dobrokhotov, Al Jazeera

Russian operation goes ‘offshore’ in Syria -- Anton Mardasov, Kirill Semyonov, Riddle

Greece irked by Germany in standoff with Turkey -- Nektaria Stamouli,

Press clampdown points to Covid cover-up in Iran -- Kourosh Ziabari, Asia Times

There is still much to be learned about the Beirut explosion -- Habib Battah, Al Jazeera

Lebanon Needs a New Start -- Javier Solana, Project Syndicate

After UAE-Israel deal, which Arab nation will next forge ties? -- AFP

World Powers Will Soon Face Off in Lebanon -- Raghida Dergham, The National

US Should Stop Weapons Flowing To Libya -- Ari Cicurel, Breaking Defense

The Vast Impact of Viruses -- The Economist

Why do Covid fatalities remain low when infection numbers are rising? -- Robin McKie, The Guardian

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Goldman link. Goldman is too fucking smart. One can only take not 80% to 90% of the time. Certainly there won;t be a war if Biden is elected. Xi has the Bidens by the balls.

In 1992 there were several Democrat candidates. The only one I like was Governor Tsongas (Gov. Tax-on-Gas) He had 6 campaign planks. I like 3 and hated 3 of them. He died unfortunately of cancer some time after the election. Who did we get Lamar Alexander quit early if I recall correctly.

I remember thinking at the time of the 6 or 7 candidates, America managed to scrape the bottom of the barrel and get the 2 worst ones, Clinton & Gore. Now in 2020 it is deja vu. We have the 2 worst candidates of the Democrat field, which is a very competitive races down the low road to Hell. We have the senile demented candidate and the prostitute.

I like to think of Kamala Harris as "Boots", because whether she is wearing a top or not, she will have her socks up in the air as her legs pop up for Willie Brown or whoever.

When I think of Kamala and Willie, I think of "the boots" scene. Only I think of Lolita wearing the boots, socks, Caligula or whatever.

Blaze (1989)