Monday, August 24, 2020

Covid-19 Medical News -- August 24, 2020

UN News: WHO presses for greater investment in global COVID-19 vaccine facility

So far, 172 countries are engaging with the COVAX Global Vaccines Facility, which aims to deliver two billion doses by the end of next year, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told journalists.

“Investing in the COVAX Facility is the fastest way to end this pandemic and ensure a sustainable economic recovery,” he said.

Last week, Mr. Tedros made a push for countries to join the facility, which currently has nine vaccines in its portfolio and another nine under evaluation.

Read more ....

Covid-19 Medical News -- August 24, 2020

Coronavirus live updates: First confirmed case of reinfection; WHO says 172 countries on global vaccine plan -- CNBC
Coronavirus live news: Hong Kong man's second Covid-19 infection gives rise to immunity concerns -- The Guardian
Covid-19 Pandemic: Live Updates -- BBC
Covid-19 CAN strike twice: 33-year-old man in Hong Kong is the first person to get reinfected after testing positive for a mutated strain of the virus four months after recovering -- Daily Mail
Hong Kong scientists report 1st case of COVID-19 reinfection -- UPI
First confirmed coronavirus reinfection found in Hong Kong, researchers say -- The Hill
China says it's been vaccinating doctors and border workers since July -- CNN
WHO chief warns against ‘vaccine nationalism’ as 172 countries sign up for global Covid-19 vaccine distribution plan -- RT
Coronavirus: Trump authorizes plasma treatment amid attacks on FDA -- The Guardian
Coronavirus: Donald Trump announces approval of plasma treatment -- DW
WHO cautious on ‘low-quality evidence’ of Covid-19 plasma as US authorises treatment -- France 24
Experts are divided over FDA approval of plasma for COVID-19 treatment: Virologist welcomes therapy as 'great news' while Harvard epidemiologist claims Trump's boast of 35% fatality reduction is inaccurate -- Daily Mail
‘Low-quality evidence’: WHO warns against Covid-19 plasma treatment after US issues emergency authorization -- RT
Coronavirus update: WHO says efficacy of plasma therapy, touted by Donald Trump, still 'inconclusive', French nudists encouraged to cover up -- ABC News Online
Oxford University Covid-19 vaccine firm says it is not in talks with Trump -- The Guardian
Russia expects to produce 6 million COVID vaccine doses a month: report -- FOX News
Six of the most promising treatments for Covid-19 so far -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

WHO is no longer credible, they are a mouthpiece of Communist China. Any press that continues to present them as a reputable group are likely receiving funds from Communist China. Communist China has spread its tentacles throughout the would like a malign cancer.

Anonymous said...

WNU is in longer credible in regards to COVID. Physically the guy is brave. He is undoubtedly intelligent 130+ or 140+ IQ. 3+ languages and other skills.

I think his personnel situation has WNU running scared or maybe he is carrying water for Moscow.