Friday, August 21, 2020

Details On Why A US Navy SEAL Platoon Was Removed From Iraq Have Been Disclosed

Rear Adm. Collin Green (pictured) fired three SEAL Team 7 leaders last year citing leadership failures which caused a breakdown of discipline within two deployed units last year

Daily Mail: REVEALED: Navy SEAL platoon were pulled out from Iraq after member 'raped and almost choked to death a female sailor' at Fourth of July party - but he now claims she sexually assaulted HIM as he faces court martial

* Colleen Grace was a US Navy intelligence analyst stationed in Iraq last year
* She overheard corpsman say that a sailor was raped by Navy SEAL at an airbase
* Alleged incident happened at a Fourth of July barbecue last year
* Party was held in violation of rules banning troops from consuming alcohol
* Two days before barbecue, another sexual misconduct allegation surfaced
* Sp. Warfare Operator Chief Nicholas Olson 'exposed himself' to another soldier
* Olson has denied any wrongdoing, according to The Associated Press
* Spate of allegations prompted military to send entire platoon home early
* Three decorated SEAL team leaders were fired from their positions
* Military cited 'leadership failure' after unit had 'serious discipline breaches'

A US Navy SEAL accused of sexual assault after a Fourth of July barbecue in Iraq last year claims that he was the victim even though bruises were seen on the face of the woman who made the allegation.

A witness, US Navy intelligence specialist Colleen Grace, was asleep on a remote air base in Iraq when she was woken up by knocking on the door next to her room, and then a voice she recognized.

The voice belonged to a Navy corpsman she knew. He was upset and speaking loudly to the Army colonel who lived next door.

Read more ....

More Details On Why A US Navy SEAL Platoon Was Removed From Iraq Have Been Disclosed

Former sailor details misconduct by SEALs pulled from Iraq -- AP
Strangulation and Biting: Former Sailor Details Sex Assault and Other Allegations Against Navy SEALs Pulled from Iraq --
FEARED FOR HER LIFE Navy SEAL ‘raped, bit and almost strangled female sailor to death’ – causing platoon to be pulled from Iraq -- The SUN


Anonymous said...

I knew from the beginning that bringing females into the US military was a bad idea. You take young men and separate them from their wives and families, and then surround them with young women, and it is inevitable that sexual activity will take place, detracting from the mission of the military unit. This, combined with the basic idea (originated in militant feminism) that young men seeking sexual relations from young women is inherently a kind of abuse, is a recipe for disaster. This is what Democrats and liberal philosophy has done to the world--the solution is to eradicate the poison of liberalism from the nation.

Anonymous said...

It was consensual sex.

Anonymous said...

Sounds weird at first but I do know women who can be quite aggressive and also enjoy aggression in bed. Add to that the fact that many women seem to enjoy choking roleplay and other fetishes.... on top we know that women in the military have more testosterone

In short.. sounds bogus BUT presumption of innocence is exactly for such reasons. If he DID it, jailtime for him. If she did it, likely nothing happens, maybe she'll get a book deal about her plight in the MALE DOMINANT/ PATRIARCHIC system.. these bastards in the military, CNN will tell you, all white supremacist sexist/ rapists lol

I think he did it, but we as a society really need to address this issue

How come women can wear makeup, breast enlargers, mini skirts and high heels even in office jobs, and we call that professional?

Human nature, before we imposed laws, is pure rape, murder etc etc

That is all still in humans and under the right conditions can be set free, typically in physically superior genders, ie Male, but also in some females(those with high testosterone levels, certain fetishes)

In short: protect women, but be more honest and fair to men too.. don't just vilify one gender all the time, it creates more evil, not less and stop the exact opposite, the constant glorification of women. Have you seen what they say? May I remind you?

Maxine waters(D) called openly for the formation of mobs and the harassment of political opponents ie Republicans. How many men were beaten wearing a red hat because of her? And she still, 2-3 years later, holds her job despite being absolutely irresponsible in her public choice of words

Hillary Clinton(D) right after Maxine, as she wanted some of the glorifying media attention that Maxine got, said "civility can be restored when we are back in power"

I'll skip Pelosi, she's a disgrace entirely

My point being... women lie A LOT, play UNFAIRLY and let the men do the beatings for them

Time as a culture to honestly reassess if women really "are the future". I've had my own share of experiences and even in cases like this, when the man seems a pig, I rather let the evidence speak and not women scream at me to always believe her. In my 55 years, I've been lied to far far far more often by women in both business and private matters. I've seen the games played in offices and at universities, where women DO sleep their way up. It's not only a cliche, it's daily reality

When you add on top the wealth transfer of tens of billions in the USA alone in divorces -- every single year-- towards women based on old laws, you just know we're WAY overdue for the pendulum to swing back

Bit off topic, but hope I make some sense. Also, have you noticed, if you criticise how women behave, you're a "woman hater" and might easily lose your job. If a woman criticises a man*even when lying*, she is empowered. A go getter. It's sickening

copley7 said...

SEALs have been having discipline issues for whilw. Allot of it is constant media attention being sought, book deals, movies, any kind of publicity, etc etc. The SEALs from 2001 are long gone, replaced by Gen Z and millenials. That ns istelf is a problem. They need to get back to doing what they did best, STFU and kill bad guys.

You'll note you rarely hear of issues with the Army's Delta Force or the Special Forces Green Berets, and nowhere near the level of the SEALs. The Army learned a long time in Vietnam to keep quiet........ Publicity, often bad, and SF nearly vanished from the rolls after Vietnam and was a career dead end. Only in the last 20-25 years has SF come back into the fold.

Anonymous said...

The sex started off consensual. IMO thee woman needs to be booted out of the service with a BCD and the and needs to court martialed imprisoned, and booted.

While they are at it the leadership should court martial itself and give up their pensions. If you put together some seemingly disparate things like botox, Hollywood divorce rate, hormones, feedback& control and stuff, how could you not see this? But I pet the leadership know more about whatever the Left is pushing than actual leadership. These people got caught is all.

3:04 is onto something there is research that irrespective of what is said, women often like violent men.

I never understood the mando sex training that you could be 30 seconds from peaking and if the woman says "no", you have to get out. somehow I don't thin k the mind works that way. IT is about as dumb as entering an intersection and then you start pumping the breaks. You are bound for failure.