Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Editor's Note

My electrical power has been cut-off again for maintenance. This has been an ongoing headache in my neighbourhood for the past few weeks. Fortunately. I have been told that power will be restored in a few hours, and we all have been reassured that it is the last time. In the meantime I am just twirling my fingers, and reading the news on my cell phone.

Update 17:10 EST:  Just learned that the power will be back on at 21:00 EST. Battery on my cell phone is also almost dead. What a wasted day. :(


Anonymous said...

85-Year-Old Woman Suffers Wound to the Back of Her Head After Being Slammed to the Ground in Robbery Near Chicago’s Mag Mile (VIDEO)

Democrat being a Democrat

Mayor has pulled back police to patrol the perimeter of her city block.

Anonymous said...

Liberals OUTRAGED that Secretary of State Pompeo Spoke at RNC 2020 — Forget that Obama had 5 CABINET MEMBERS Speak at 2016 DNC Convention

Liberals suffer from a special form of amnesia. They have a very selective memory.

Anonymous said...

WNU..come're being spied on.
That van outside is not really from the power company ;) likely Chinese

Anonymous said...

It's not only the mayor of Chicago - it's the state's attorney for Cook County. She won't prosecute cases and these losers have very low bail... so why not break the law?

Anonymous said...

British media are doing their part in the ass hattery

"The audio indicates that police knew there was an arrest warrant out for Blake. But media reports have not said that. For instance, the BBC reported on Tuesday that: “Court records show there was an active arrest warrant against Mr Blake, related to charges of sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct. But it is unclear if police were aware of this at the time of his shooting.”"

So this guy, Blake, is wanted for sexual assault. I guess #Me Too does not count if it intersects with BLM.

Anonymous said...

Ted Wheeler Dealer

For Greg Goodman, the co-president of the Downtown Development Group, there are other numbers that tell a deeper, even more disturbing story: the number of businesses that are moving out of or locating outside the central district of Portland.

“The number is like nothing I have seen in 42 years of doing business in downtown,” Goodman said in a letter he sent to Mayor Ted Wheeler and the members of the Portland City Council…

Their departure, he said in the letter, has nothing to do with the Black Lives Matter movement “but does have most everything to do with the lawlessness you are endorsing downtown.”

Anonymous said...

Marxist New York City Mayor DeBlasio Says Restaurants May Open Their Indoor Dining “Next Year Sometime” (VIDEO)

40% to 50% of private, small businesses have been wiped out in Democrat areas due to COVID and DNC sponsored riots.

Godless Democrat Susan Rice Says It’s “Problematic” that Secretary of State Pompeo Is “Overtly Religious”

Godless Democrat is an oxymoron.