Wednesday, August 26, 2020

In A Warning To The U.S. China Has Fired Two Missiles That Includes An 'Aircraft-Carrier Killer' Missile Into The South China Sea

A DF-26 missile was from Qinghai into the South China Sea on Tuesday, according to a source close to the Chinese military. Photo: Reuters

SCMP: Chinese military fires ‘aircraft-carrier killer’ missile into South China Sea in ‘warning to the United States’

* Weapon one of two sent over disputed waters a day after American spy plane reportedly nears Chinese naval drill, source says
* PLA flexes muscle in response to continued US testing of Beijing’s bottom lines, analyst says

China launched two missiles, including an “aircraft-carrier killer”, into the South China Sea on Wednesday morning, a source close to the Chinese military said, sending a clear warning to the United States.

The move came one day after China said a US U-2 spy plane entered a no-fly zone without permission during a Chinese live-fire naval drill in the Bohai Sea off its north coast.

One of the missiles, a DF-26B, was launched from the northwestern province of Qinghai, while the other, a DF-21D, lifted off from Zhejiang province in the east.

Both were fired into an area between Hainan province and the Paracel Islands, the source said.

The landing areas were within a zone that Hainan maritime safety authorities said on Friday would be off limits because of military exercises from Monday to Saturday.

Read more ....

Update: China Fires Two Missiles Into Sea As "Warning To US" In Huge Escalation Following Spy Plane Breach (Zero Hedge).

WNU Editor: The Chinese are upset because this happened yesterday .... China Claims U.S. Spy Plane Entered A No-Fly Zone During Live-Fire Naval Exercises (August 25, 2020).

Update #2: The Americans have doubled down. They U.S. just sent another spy plane to conduct another reconnaissance .... US conducts provocative close-up recon on PLA drills two days in a row (Global Times).


Layguy said...
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Layguy said...

Here come the red lines...

B.Poster said...

Have the aircraft carriers been moved out of the range of these missiles? I hope so. With koves like this China is all but guaranteed to sink a US aircraft carrier.

Our economy is in shambles due to the COVID-19 response, there's been massive looting and rioting leaving much of our country as a burnt hollowed out husk, race relations are at worst level they've been in decades, and our previously unsustainable national debt is even worse.

Addressing these issues and solving them should be our top priority not vying with China for dominance of the si called South China Sea. I'm assuming POTUS wants to get reelected. If he does, the above issues would have virtually 100% of the focus directed them. Peripheral issues like the South China Sea would not be focused on as we simply don't have the resources.

The behavior of POTUS here is strange. He is behaving as though he thinks he has the election already won!! These moves risk a shooting war and getting into a military conflict right now with anyone will all but ensure POTUS is soundly defeated in the election.

Anonymous said...

I can guess.. US will continue to send surveillance aircrafts even Chinese keeps firing. this is now the question of who will show weakness first and who will hit first. My guess again is no one got hit, Surveilance keep on flying.

Anonymous said...

Poster, I'm sure the chinese didn't just blindly fire out into the ocean.
Calm down.

Anonymous said...

Poster , to understand Trump you must remind yourself that he has been consistent on the China issue for about 30 years.

I've watched interviews with Trump in the late 80s early 90s talking the same way about China as he's done today. His single geopolitical core focus is China. He believes they're the west's arch rival. And he might be right.

Consider this:

1. The Chinese have bullied countless states and are at near war with Vietnam, India and a few others

2. The Chinese have actual concentration camps. Right now. This moment. On top the mass sterilisation and ethnic cleansing program as reported by the BBC @unwanted Muslim population dropping by 84% in 10 years. We are talking crimes against humanity level here. Everyone looks away. Why?

3. The Chinese have hypermilitarised the south China sea and made many territorial claims and have built fortresses, artificial islands in those disputed waters. They decided to use force not law, and intimidation not friendship.

4. The Chinese have stolen an estimated USD 10 trillion from the West over the last 30 years. This is without interest and our own loss of opportunity costs and compounding damages considered. By this I mean: if trillions are taken out of our economies, people actually die of it. Hospitals close. Cities go broke. Suicide and despair rises. And on top, the money we could have invested into our economies, where it belongs, was instead invested into the Chinese economies and also used to finance more cyber and cultural warfare against us.

5. We've long been at economic and cultural war with China. Before the pandemic hit, China had its worst economic year in 70 years and the USA had its best. Now you tell me, do you believe in coincidence? A sudden appearance of a virus and China going on a buying spree with money they shouldn't even have as

6. We know, and it was even posted on this blog, that the Chinese have lied about their annual GSP by up to 30(!!!!)%/ year. This went in for years. On top their housing bubble, the immense spending on the military, the faked gold that backs their currency, the faked stock prices / reports. To put it bluntly, I think China was near financial collapse and has been for years and the Wuhan virus is part of their fail forward strategy (the equivalent of flipping over a game of Monopoly you lost. Instead of admitting defeat and paying the banks, China's decided to flip over the World's economy and quickly "buy" everything before we notice what's going on. They're bankrupt. Have been. Covid-19 is to reset the world economy. At least that's a cool theory. Why not entertain it? No one would be able to know anyways as only 10 or so people in the world have access to, or better yet, the power to decide who's broke.

My guess is we're at war already, just everyone too scared to go kinetic first, not knowing if the other side is superior. The Chinese therefore also don't want any spy planes close to their exercises.

Much of Chinese art of war is making the opponent believe in a no-win scenario. That they've already lost. That the event is superior. That the century and beyond belongs to them. That we all should learn Chinese. That was also what the Olympics opening was about, when China hosted. Olympics is about peace. Look at their opening. Everything about dominance and war and outnumbering. It was the starting shot of the public psychological warfare campaign.

The Chinese truly believe they will rule the world. The army is sworn directly onto Xi. Just as with Hitler.

We all know where this is going. If no one stops China, we will be at war or will be slaves/2nd class citizen to the CCP.

B.Poster said...

Anon (3:46)

Thanks for the reply. Points 4 and 6 are especially things I've been thinking on. To confront China will require capable allies and the support of the American people. There have been a number of reports that Russia abd China have some disputes such as Siberia. Perhaps it's a good time to end Cold War 2.

copley7 said...

Anon at 3:46 PM you are so spot on.

That 1962 pic of a blown up U-2 is like a T-34 versus a current Abrams tank, nothing compared to the U-2 capabilities 58 years on. I also believe that U-2 is not out there alone. If they let loose a SAM at the U-2 that entire grid square where the launch eminated will be a smoking deep hole.

Trumps not F'ing around. Xi has tottally miscalculated every move towards Trump. He's not Joe, or Obama or a Bushie or a Clintonite. He's Trump, not a globalist, America first. And he is serious. XI is miscalculating agin.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Also domestic and foreign enemies have misunderstood Trump's nature vis a vis a fight. Trump is one of those who like to fight for the fun of the fight itself along with all the other reasons a formidable thing.

Unknown said...

Your time is Short Chinese noodles head

Unknown said...

Cloned fool's

Unknown said...

Star wars is on

Unknown said...

I declare war

Unknown said...
