Tuesday, August 25, 2020

If Joe Biden Wins The US Presidency, Will He Accept China's Offer To Restore Relations To A Time Before Trump?

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shakes hands with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (L) inside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing December 4, 2013. REUTERS/Lintao Zhang/Pool

Michael Shoebridge, RCD: Beijing Makes Biden an Offer He Must Refuse

Whatever Beijing may think about Donald Trump’s term as U.S. president, we now know that its greatest wish is for U.S.–China relations to return to the days of Barack Obama’s administration, when the two countries’ leaders met to discuss issues of bilateral importance and dialogue dominated. This special relationship (based on—you guessed it—mutual respect and win–win cooperation) is what China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi offered to a new U.S. administration during a lengthy interview with state media outlet Xinhua on 5 August.

Wang’s remarks are eerily reminiscent of Beijing’s line when Scott Morrison replaced Malcolm Turnbull as Australia’s prime minister in 2018, and which reappeared in the lead-up to the federal election in May 2019. Each time, Beijing and its advocates said that the new Australian government had a golden chance to ‘reset the relationship’, change the tone of its policy towards Beijing and reverse some key decisions taken out of misplaced Cold War thinking.

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WNU Editor: Democrat Presidential candidate Biden has already promised to give China what they most dearly want, the removal of tariffs that make their products too expensive for US consumers to buy .... Biden Says He Will End Trump’s Tariffs On Chinese-Made Goods, Aide Walks Back Statement (Forbes). Anything after that, from Beijing's point of view, will just be a blessing.


Anonymous said...

How awfully nice of China

A time before they stole trillions from us?

Or that time when they risked killing all of us around the world but decided to make money of or deaths?

If Biden were to get elected (he won't) he would be shot for treason to "go back to a normal time with China",and not asking reparations in the trillions from them beforehand

In short: no thank you, China. Not even if you beg

Anonymous said...

Joe wants more lucrative business deals like the one he got for his son Hunter. This time for the extended Biden family. Set em up for life.

Anonymous said...

Did biden think to check and see if his watch was still on his wrist after that posed smiley smiley with brother xi? Of course...he may just have forgotten to put it on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No IFS sorry. Hopelless china and so momma Biden