Sunday, August 2, 2020

Is 'Free Speech' Dying In America's Newsrooms?

Daily Mail: Death of free speech in the US: How a terrifying revolution sweeping newsrooms sees journalists who deviate from the new liberal orthodoxy hounded out - while 62 per cent of ordinary Americans are too frightened to speak their mind

You might never have come across Bon Appetit, a glossy monthly magazine which serves up a cosy mix of gourmet recipes, wine reviews and lifestyle tips to its 1.5 million readers.

It is hard to imagine a less controversial publication, or one that's more quintessentially American with its aspirational blend of self-improvement and conspicuous consumption – and it has been attracting record digital subscriptions thanks to lockdown tips for banana bread and avocado toast.

But popularity counted for nothing when a picture appeared online showing its editor of ten years, Adam Rapoport, dressed as a Puerto Rican at a Halloween fancy dress party. At a stroke he was out, branded a racist.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This trend of purging people with opposite political views first started in universities and entertainment/Hollywood a few decades ago. A purge that has unfortunately now resulted in very little if any diversity of thought/opinion in many of these institutions. And as for major newsrooms. They have always been left of center, but the purge of "conservative" and even "moderate" journalists has certainly intensified in the past few years. And as for news web sites on the web that do not toe the progressive orthodoxy, being banned on social media platforms and in search engine results is now becoming more and more common. And I am speaking from personal experience. WNU's Google search results disappeared for a half a day a few weeks ago .... It Appears That Goolgle Has A Black List Of Conservative Sites (War News Updates Is On The List) (July 22, 2020).


Anonymous said...

Who would have thunk that the idiocracy would be delivered by the left.

Anonymous said...

Keep playing that conservative victim card WNU.

The rubes eat it up. It's good for business.

Crusader said...

It's because the media can't afford senior people, so they employ 'kids' who are cheap and, naturally, left-leaning until they get older and enjoy the strain of a mortgage and kids.
As the saying goes 'In your twenties, you complain, in your forties, you explain'.
I've seen this happen to all my friends. In University they were militant, as they got older they became conservative but kept the t-shirts and old punk records.

As for Mr 4.51, I think you'll find it's probably the opposite. xx

Anonymous said...

You are being purged if Google stops paying you in spite of your web traffic.

Jac said...

We are less and less in a free speech Country, but in a politically correct speech one. This is going to completely change our system, way of life and Country. If the people are not reacting strongly against that, the totalitarian's will win.

Anonymous said...

Glen Bolger, a pollster with the Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies, said that in one swing state he declined to identify, only 15 percent of voters planning to cast ballots by mail were Trump supporters. “Republicans are skeptical about voting by mail, and that’s a problem up and down the ballot,” he said.

Similarly, an analysis of current absentee ballot requests in North Carolina shows that Democrats have vastly outpaced Republicans, even though roughly the same numbers of Republicans and Democrats voted by mail four years ago.

“Everybody’s up,” said Michael Bitzer, a politics professor at Catawba College in Salisbury, N.C., who conducted the analysis. “It’s just that Democrats and unaffiliateds are through the roof, and Republicans are not even on the second floor.”

Bitzer said Trump’s “mixed messages” about absentee balloting are probably one factor, along with more enthusiasm and greater coronavirus concerns among Democrats.

Republicans have been working in creative ways to try to counter the effects of Trump’s words. State and national Republicans are inundating their voters with Facebook ads and mailers promoting the message that absentee balloting is safe. Some of the messages claim that Trump is criticizing only the practice of “universal” mail-balloting — sending ballots to all registered voters.

Anonymous said...

to purge
rid (someone or something) of an unwanted quality, condition, or feeling.
"Bob had helped purge Martha of the terrible guilt that had haunted her"
remove (a group of people considered undesirable) from an organization or place in an abrupt or violent way.
Where or when did this happen in American universities? and in Hollywood?
Liberal place favor "similar viewing people" perhaps but so too companies and corporations and Wall St firms etc.
ps: in any and all universities you will find that those teaching in Business, Education, sciences, P.E. nursing, and administrators are mostly conservative.