Monday, August 24, 2020

Is President Trump Going To Fire CIA Director Gina Haspel Before The Election?

U.S. President Donald Trump stands with the new CIA Director Gina Haspel during her swearing-in ceremony at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Virginia, U.S. May 21, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

The Intercept: Gina Haspel Hangs on at CIA, With Little Support From Trump or Democrats

“She has dodged the bullet” for now, said one former official, but may not survive beyond the election.

Central Intelligence Agency Director Gina Haspel is a rarity in the Trump administration’s national security apparatus: a career professional who has beaten the odds and survived repeated personnel purges. The president is on his fourth director of national intelligence and sixth national security adviser, including all the “acting” officials to hold those positions. But while he traffics in conspiracy theories about the so-called deep state and often says the U.S. intelligence community is out to get him, Trump has never fired a CIA director.

Still, Haspel’s hold on her job now appears tenuous. Until recently, in fact, several current and former government officials suggested that Trump was likely to fire her sometime before the election, adding that Haspel privately shared those fears. Earlier this summer, Haspel confided to a former colleague that she wouldn’t be surprised if Trump replaced her by September, according to the person who spoke with her.

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WNU Editor: She will not be fired before the election. Firing her would only make her a distraction. After the election it will be a different story. A Biden victory will definitely result in her termination. Under a Trump administration, I am not sure.


Anonymous said...

What conspiracy theory?

There is no theory. Obama Brennan, Comey and underlings went after Trump. There is a paper trail of among other things the FISA warrants. There is corruption. Why is not the current CIA director exposing it? Is the CIA's only job now to spy on internal political opposition and to get their foreign agents killed?

There is only 9 or 10 days to get Brennan After that he skates to November 3rd and maybe beyond.

What kind of fucked up nation and I mean truly fuck an A fucked up nation will have a person (Carter Page) spy for the country and then turn around and brand them traitor?

If Biden wins Brennan gets the charges dropped, Flynn gets his reinstated. That is the way I see it. If it comers to pass, such a nation does not deserve support. You complete current contracts and do not sign new ones. Then you become expat paying all due taxes.

Anonymous said...

We've got to vote President Biden out of office. He's really screwed these last four years up.

I'm voting for candidate Trump. He tells it like it is.

Anonymous said...

This story is less substantive than 1 oz of aerogel.
This is a hallmark of media reporting about President Trumps appointees.
Another way to describe this reporting is bull shit reporting.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Trump really screwed up. He tried to get us out of Afghanistan and Syria only to be resisted by the Beltway.

He did not start Libya or Yemen like Obama did. Obama cave cold, hard cash to the Iranians and the gave some to the Houthis to renege on the Arab Spring provisional government and start the civil war in earnest.

Trump also made us energy independent. Se Keystone pipeline and fracking. Pipeline are much safer than rail transportation of oil. But be a jerk, we know you are, and tell us how Warren Buffet is against pipelines, because he loaded up on railroads.

Anonymous said...

President Biden has been president since 2016.

This is science.

Anonymous said...

Loser sad.