Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Is There A Covid-19 Vaccine Conflict Of Interest In The U.S.?

WNU Editor: In the above video Bobby Kennedy Jr. is claiming that Dr. Fauci will make millions on a Coronavirus vaccine because he owns half the patent. Gateway Pundit was the first to break the story .... UNBELIEVABLE: In New Interview Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Dr. Fauci will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine and Owns Half the Patent. Rush Limbaugh added his voice to this story this afternoon .... RFK Jr. Says Fauci Stands to Make Millions from COVID-19 Vaccine Patent (Rush Limbaugh). I am not in the habit of posting links to The Gateway Pundit or Rush Limbaugh. Just like I am not in the habit of posting links from Rachel Maddow or Bill Maher. But I think this is an important story. And I hope that the main stream media follows up on it.

On a personal note. I am not against vaccines. I always take my flu shot and when I was travelling a lot I always made sure that I had my necessary vaccinations. I have seen too many people in my life suffer needlessly because they choose not to be vaccinated. But I also know that vaccines are risky and can be very dangerous. When I was growing up a girl down my street was vaccinated against polio. Something happened a few days later. She got sick and her immune system got compromised. She became paralyzed from the waist down.


Anonymous said...

We had a half dozen or so before going overseas. At 22 I trusted them. Now I'm a heck of a lot older, wiser, and sceptical.

Anonymous said...

If I understood the story these were public funds. How can Fauci own half the patent?

B.Poster said...

Excellent commentary by the editor on the pros and cons of vaccines!! Now, if big pharma can push a COVID-19 vacvine on us and we can't hold them accountable should it fail via lawsuits or whatever other means necessary, then this truly is a problem of monumental significance.

As for Fauci, he is a first class fraud who not only shouldn't have a medical license but belongs in jail. Justice will prevail someday I think.

Anonymous said...

Well, Poster,

I have always felt Fauci was a bit too fond of the cameras. Granted my exposure to him is very limited but....

manstien said...

Instincts are good.

Anonymous said...

WNU do you know/ have you posted on Dr.Fauci's role at the FDA?


But hey. CNN/MSNBC/NYTIMES/WAPO told us that Fauci is untouchable, so die die die because we need to push stories that hurt the country. Why? China.

Double whammy on Washington Post also and how they profited from the Chinese virus and how they banned books casting doubt on what's happening.

If we don't see justice soon this system will fall

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Meant to read "Dr Fauci's wife".. she works at the ethics oversight so we can be assured there's no triple conflict of interest

Media tells us take Drug X and don't listen to Trump's recommendation of drug Y

Media tells you not to talk about Drug Y even if you're a doctor and nobel price winner in medicine

Media tells you that Fauci who owns stakes in drug X can do no harm has never been wrong even about the masks. There he just lied and it was a good lie because you don't know better.

The media.... shameless
They literally silence you for their political view and for money

The system is so rigged by now we need to abolish the mainstream media way waaaaayy way more than abolish the police

Up is down
Black is white
Women are perfect
Men are toxic
Black people can do no harm
White people root cause of all evil
Anyone who votes Republican is racist

Come on now

Vote Trump to see the media get nuts! They deserve to be broken up. Shattered