Friday, August 21, 2020

Joe Biden's Full Speech At The 2020 DNC

Daily Mail: Joe Biden accepts Democratic nomination and takes the fight to Donald Trump saying he has 'cloaked America in darkness' and calling his failure on coronavirus 'unforgivable' as he offers upbeat vision promising 'love and light and hope and light'

* The former vice president called out anger, fear, and division in remarks as he accepted his party's nomination
* He spoke to the camera from the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware
* He said the nation would overcome 'this season of darkness in America'
* He called on America 'to be a light to the world once again'
* Vowed to be an 'American president' who would work hard even for opponents
* 'He failed to protect America'
* Said the nation was facing 'one of the most difficult moments America has ever faced'
* Referenced George Floyd killing and vowed to take on injustice
* Democrats kicked off the final night of the convention with a message of hope for the future with an opening video titled 'This Time Next Year'
* The high tone comes after the first three days of the four-day event focused on bashing President Donald Trump as unfit to lead
* The night also spent a considerable amount of time talking about Biden's faith
* The Chicks, who dropped 'Dixie' from their name in the midst of nationwide Black Lives Matter protests this year, performed the National Anthem
* Actress and comedian Julia Louis-Dreyfus acted as emcee for the evening, with her jokes sometimes hitting awkwardly in between messages of hope

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden called out anger and division in the nation as he accepted his party's nomination Thursday – vowing to unite the country and represent even those who do not support him – not just his political 'base.'

'Too much anger, too much fear, too much division,' Biden said early in his remarks, which he framed around an epic battle of light versus darkness.

He said President Donald Trump had 'cloaked America in darkness,' and blasted Trump's handling of the coronavirus – ticking off the number of dead and faulting Trump for allowing the deadly virus to proliferate – but said the nation would overcome what he called 'this season of darkness in America.'

'Our current president has failed in his most basic duty to this nation,' Biden said. 'He failed to protect us. He failed to protect America. And, my fellow Americans, that is unforgivable.'

Speaking in the Chase Center in Wilmington a night after running mate Sen. Kamala Harris introduced herself to the nation after a history-making nomination, Biden intoned: 'I give you my word. If you entrust me with the presidency, I'll draw on the best of us, not the worst.'

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It was very short (about 22 minutes). If you like cliches in a speech, than this speech is for you.

Update: This Democrat convention did not hurt President Trump's approval numbers .... Daily Presidential Tracking Poll (Rasmussen).


Anonymous said...

Quite enlightening that Biden did not refer to the marxist/progressive riots incurring each day in Seattle and Portland. The reason being is that the Democrats and their allies are encouraging and committing the riot and the destruction of public property. THE Democrat party is the party of death and destruction and the American people can understand this, even if the controlled media suppresses this fact. The election will result in a landslide for President Trump, but count on the Democrats to challenge it on the grounds that mail in ballets were mishandled.

Herbert Mover said...

all conventions speeches are filled with cliches. And the items he cited for his agenda? Health coverage, infrastructure, equal pay, rights for nonwhites, child care, fixing social security, raising minimum wages boost etc, etc...
and that was cliche? We wait then to see what Trump tells us his agenda will be. I do recall he had mentioned a much better health plan than Obama care. That was over three years ago. And we still wait for it.

Anonymous said...

NY is Democratic and is larger than either of those stupid west coast states and is not having issues. Stop generalizing.

Anonymous said...

@639 are you sure or just trolling? I'm not from the US, so I might be wrong, but isn't New York City in the state of New York(NY)?

I'd argue NYC has a LOT of problems, just judging by the riots and nearly 100% increase in murders over last year.

New York City, Baltimore, Detroit, Portland, Seattle, Chicago --- all have massive increase in unrest, violence and they're all Democrat run, so I think it's a fair to point out that Biden should have addressed it. The fact that he didn't is quite telling.

You cannot silence a problem away.

I agree as an outsider, Trump will be reelected

Anonymous said...

Who is Herbert Mover?

My guess is that Herbert Mover is a Fred Lapides sock puppet.

WNU's post was not about the military or military hardware. It was about that Democrat or Democrats. Did anyone have any doubts that Fred would be d found commenting here?

Anonymous said...


IMO it was Fred and yes he was trolling.

Anonymous said...

I could tell you were not from the USA bc your posts are simply meant to show the negatives of American society. I'm sure we could make a near neverending list of your favorite countries (Russia, China, Iran, etc.)

Atilla said...

Trump remains largely silent on reported poisoning of Russian dissident as Europe, US lawmakers offer support — (CNN)The Trump administration has not made any substantial statement on the suspected poisoning of Russian opposition leader, Alexey Navalny, in sharp contrast to European reaction …
Discussion: New York Post and The Week
Financial Times:
Alexei Navalny given all clear to be evacuated from Russia
Discussion: The Guardian, Washington Post, The Daily Beast, Sky News, МИА, Breitbart, The US Sun, Associated Press, NPR, ABC News, Reuters, UPI and The Indian Express
Vladimir Kara-Murza / Washington Post:
The world must pay attention to the suspected poisoning of Alexei Navalny. My own case shows why.
Discussion: Forbes, New York Times, Politico, New Yorker and Foreign Policy

Anonymous said...

Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s campaign said it raised $70 million during the four-day Democratic National Convention.

21.8 million people tuned in on television for Biden’s big night at the convention on Thursday, according to Nielsen, slightly more than the 21 million who watched former President Barack Obama and Senator Kamala Harris, Mr. Biden’s running mate, on Wednesday. The TV viewership for the nominee’s speech was down about 21 percent from Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech four years ago, though many people watched online.

A new Gallup poll put President Trump’s approval rating at 42 percent. Americans’ approval of his handling of the economy — typically his strong suit — was 48 percent, roughly even with his numbers from June but 15 percentage points off his career high in the winter, just before the pandemic struck.

Pollsters mostly paused their work during the convention, waiting for things to play out before taking a fresh read of the country. But at the start of the week, three separate polls by respected outlets showed Biden leading Trump by an average of eight points.

Catch me up

Democrats breathed a collective sigh of relief this week after the party pulled off an all-virtual convention, half political music video and half Joe Biden infomercial, largely without a hitch.

And whether you liked the content of Mr. Biden’s acceptance speech or found yourself unmoved by his message, one thing was clear: He outperformed the low expectations set in part by his general-election opponent.

The Joe Biden of the Republican Party’s telling is a gaffe machine whose age has rendered him unable to speak clearly, a caricature built over months of tweets by Mr. Trump, scores of interviews by his allies and nightly roasts by popular conservative media figures. The Joe Biden many Americans saw this week was cleareyed and capable of commanding an audience, albeit reading from a teleprompter in a room that was largely empty.

FrEd said...

WNU's post was not about the military or military hardware. It was about that Democrat or Democrats. Did anyone have any doubts that Fred would be d found commenting here?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone doub t that gossip girl would attack Fred since that is all that momma's child knows what to do? GO FORTH GIRLY AND GET AN IDEA AND POST THAT INSTEAD OF STALKING YOUR BETTERS. YOU TRULY ARE YOUR MOTHER;S CHILD

PHreD said...