Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tweets For Today


Crusader said...

The bullet hit the Troopers' femur artery. Was lucky to survive. The chap being wrestled was tasered twice, but since he was on meth, he hardly felt a thing. But hey, carry on protesting.

Anonymous said...

Two points on the corona graph.

People pointed out how they did not know how important zinc was to immune until they found zinc deficiency in the Middle East.

Found an article saying there were zinc deficiencies in south America which is a broad statement. Which countries. Brazil is in South America.

In the USA zinc and HCQ were outlawed by various fucked up, partisan governors (D). This is on top of putting old people released form ICU in to nursing homes (like stuffing trains going to Auswschwitz) and telling people do not go to hospital if you have mild systems. Wait until they are full blown by which time it is too late.

Anonymous said...

A body can get reinfected same virus,

A country can get reinvaded by the same foe,

if they are weak enough.

Shocking isn't it.

Anonymous said...

Zinc Deficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean
Gustavo Cediel, Manuel Olivares, Alex Brito, Héctor Cori, Daniel López de Romaña
PMID: 26125198 DOI: 10.1177/0379572115585781
Background: Zinc deficiency affects multiple vital functions in the life cycle, especially growth. Limited information is available on the magnitude of zinc deficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Objective: To examine the latest available information on both the prevalence of zinc deficiency and the risk of zinc deficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Methods: The prevalence of zinc deficiency was identified through a systematic review looking for the latest available data on serum zinc concentrations from surveys or studies with national representativeness conducted in Latin America and the Caribbean. The risk of zinc deficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean was estimated based on dietary zinc inadequacy (according to the 2011 National Food Balance Sheets) and stunting in children under 5 years of age.

Results: Only four countries had available national biochemical data. Mexican, Colombian, Ecuadorian, and Guatemalan children under 6 years of age and women 12 to 49 years of age had a high prevalence of zinc deficiency (19.1% to 56.3%). The countries with the highest risk of zinc deficiency (estimated prevalence of inadequate zinc intake > 25% plus prevalence of stunting > 20%) were Belize, Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Zinc dietary inadequacy was directly correlated with stunting (r = 0.64, p < .001).

Anonymous said...

Manaus in the Brasilian Amazon sits on the equator more or less. So it is always warm

Why do they have so much COVID?

Anonymous said...

NYU Students Demand Black-Only Student Housing on Campus

Back in 1995 foreign Chinese students were demanding separate but equal housing in a major American university. Cant find the article. It is actually quite hard to find articles older than 10 years old on the internet. But they wanted separate housing at Orchard Downs.


Point is this separate housing demand is not new Various groups have made it. You might think of the late 1960s though Bush's term as the apogee of integration and harmony. And during all that time liberals have been looking to undermine it.

Anonymous said...


"There is a very good chance that Canada will have an increased outbreak before the end of the year. Its one of the few countries left that isn’t near or past herd immunity thresholds. Fortunately, if LTC facilities are properly protected it will come and go in 6 weeks with minimal fatality. Regardless of NPIs like masks." - Brian.

Brian gives a prediction. He gives his reasoning. He also gives a COA.


COVID in the US is back down to beginning of March levels. See graph 1 of link below.


I miss my COVID death announcement that they drag out for 2 days because no one else dies of COVID in the time interval. They must be running out of obese/diabetic/high blood pressure/immune compromised people without relatives and who receive substandard care.