Friday, August 28, 2020

Tweets For Today

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reporting corona deaths is a scare tactic.

They should report deaths and life-years lost. They should also report co-morbidities. Say 3/4 of of the the victims had severe co-morbidities. A wise person will not be as afraid than if 0% of the people had co-morbidities.

Politicians like Mayor Bloomberg are always acting as nannies and wanting to limit soda sizes, soda bottle sizes and other interventions. Maybe they just ought go for providing information instead of being nannies. They could provide information on co-morbidities as a stat. People might take notice.. They would see that say 70% of the people who died of COVID were obese and tell them,selves they are going to shed pounds just like Nanny Doomberg has ordered,, Nanny does not have to do anything except provide honest information without violating HIPAA.

When they announce a death over the ari it is almost as if Ilhan Elmi is writing the script . Someone somewhere died of something. That is about all the information they give out.

You know 3 things

1) County
2) Age range
3) If they were in a long term care facility (LTC).

I am kind of thinking that with cheaper test, lawsuits and better protocols that LTC facilities will get better and there will be fewer deaths. So, what I really want to know is, if the person who died had hypertension, diabetes, or some other co-morbidities. They use to provide a description of co-morbidities .They use to say if they had more than 1. That was a month ago. Now they say nothing.

It is so bad that the 'news' as reported is useless. You have to go with studies (good studies) and use your own judgment. I think all you need to get into Communications or
journalism school is and ACT score of 12.