Friday, August 28, 2020

US Space Command General Says New Space Weapons Are Coming To Counter China And Russia

While the US military is concerned about Chinese and Russian advances in space weaponry, new technology to counter these weapons is being developed, US officials said. Credit: Handout.

Asia Times: Space weapons to counter China, Russia ‘coming’

US Space Command major general says new capabilities are on the way to mitigate looming threats

To say that officials at the newly established US Space Command face a clear and present danger, is an understatement.

America’s adversaries now have the ability to use jammers, ground-based lasers, ground- and space-based kinetic weapons, attack ground facilities that support space operations or even carry out a nuclear detonation in space.

China has already tested anti-satellite missiles, while Russia has deployed on-orbit systems that could threaten US satellites.

But according to Army National Guard Major General Tim Lawson, new capabilities are on the way to mitigate the threat — he just can’t tell you about them, because they are classified under the umbrella of “black budget” projects.

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WNU Editor: I see a new space arms race coming. 

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

Actually there's been a,space arms race for awhile now with the efforts directed against America by the mayor world powers. America has just now started to face this reality head on and is just now entering the race. Obviously as a late entry to the "race" we are way behind Russia and China who are the leading "players" in this area. As such, those new weapons better be coming soon!!