Thursday, August 27, 2020

Was President Trump Upset That He Missed A Phone Call From Russian President Putin?

© Sputnik / Mikhael Klimentyev

Sputnik: Trump Raved and Stormed Over Missed Call From Vladimir Putin, Ex-Downing Street Aide Says

The adviser dubbed the experience “rather extraordinary”, claiming POTUS insisted that the Russian president should be put through without delay the moment he wants to talk to his American counterpart.

Donald Trump appears to have flown off the handle when addressing his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn over a missed phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former No 10 official has shared.

It appears there were high-profile witnesses of the unexpected rant – former British Prime Minister Theresa May, for instance, was present at “a fairly extraordinary” lunch during which POTUS literally yelled at Flynn, ex-chief of staff Nick Timothy recalled, speaking on the What Were They Thinking? podcast.

“Somebody just mentioned in passing that Vladimir Putin had asked for a call with him, and right in front [of] us he absolutely shouted down Mike Flynn”, he said, explaining that the dinner was formal – “with butlers and fancy crockery”.

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WNU Editor: I have doubts about this story. It is known that President Trump has given his personal cell number to some world leaders. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau is one of them. But I know that when it comes to phone calls with leaders like Putin or Chinese President Xi, they are planned in advance, and both parties go to extreme lengths make sure that a phone call is not missed and/or someone has to wait for the other party to pick up the phone.

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