Thursday, August 27, 2020

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Says Joe Biden Should Not Debate President Trump

The Hill: Pelosi says there shouldn't be any debates between Biden and Trump

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday she doesn’t think there should be any presidential debates ahead of the November election, arguing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden shouldn't "legitimize" a discussion with President Trump.

“I don’t think that there should be any debates,” Pelosi told reporters. “I do not think that the president of the United States has comported himself in a way that anybody has any association with truth, evidence, data and facts.”

“I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States,” she added.

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Update #1: "I Don't Think There Should Be Any Debates" Says Pelosi, Calling Them An "Exercise In Skullduggery" (Zero Hedge)
Update #2: Pelosi says Biden shouldn't debate Trump (CNN)
Update #3: Pelosi says there shouldn't be any presidential debates this year (Politico)

WNU Editor: The US House Speaker is getting some blow-back for her remarks .... Nancy Pelosi isn't doing Joe Biden any favors in the debate over debates (Chris Cillizza, CNN). But she has become one of many who are now openly saying that Joe Biden should not debate President Trump, even though the candidate is saying that he will. I still believe that the Biden campaign will look for an excuse to not debate. He was not impressive during the Democrat debates, and I expect the same result when he debates President Trump. There is also growing talk that he may do the first debate, and decline to do the other two after that. We shall see.


Anonymous said...

What a blow to biden. Miss nancy doesn't want the world to listen to joe. She needn't explain her logic; joe just ain't packin' it. He's got unpleasant political baggage in that worn out body. He's not crisp enough upstairs to be seen with DJT. Seeing his photos of late is not a positive experience when one considers the stress of being president.
Personally I think the dimz made a miscalculation. Not that there was much of a choice to begin with as the early beginnings of the campaign demonstrated.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Trump can debate Biden or what is left of old Joe upstairs in debate #1.

The Trump can debate Pelosi in debate #2,s since the venal, avaricious old bat is in line for the presidency.

For the 3rd debate maybe we can have some fun and Trump can debate Hank Johnson. That is unless to many people move to the eastern seaboard and the Continental U.S. flips upside down.

Anonymous said...

If I were Biden then I'd offer to debate Herr Trump after he releases his tax returns. I think that's fair