Saturday, August 22, 2020

World Health Organization Says It Hopes The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Will Be Over In Two Years

Dr Tedros said globalisation had allowed the virus to spread more quickly

BBC: Coronavirus pandemic could be over within two years - WHO head

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) says he hopes the coronavirus pandemic will be over in under two years.

Speaking in Geneva, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the Spanish flu of 1918 had taken two years to overcome.

But he added that current advances in technology could enable the world to halt the virus "in a shorter time".

"Of course with more connectiveness, the virus has a better chance of spreading," he said.

"But at the same time, we have also the technology to stop it, and the knowledge to stop it," he noted, stressing the importance of "national unity, global solidarity".

The flu of 1918 killed at least 50 million people.

Coronavirus has so far killed almost 800,000 people and infected nearly 23 million.

Prof Sir Mark Walport, a member of the UK's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) - on Saturday said that Covid-19 was "going to be with us forever in some form or another".

"So, a bit like flu, people will need re-vaccination at regular intervals," he told the BBC.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The people that I trust when it comes to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic have been telling me the same thing for the past month. They see this pandemic continuing until 2022 before it burns itself out .... vaccine or no vaccine. And like the flu, various strains of this disease will be around for a very long time.

More News On the World Health Organization Saying It Hopes The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Will Be Over In Two Years

WHO hopes pandemic over in two years as Europe faces resurgent Covid-19 -- France 24
Global report: WHO says world could rein in pandemic in less than two years -- The Guardian
WHO hopes to end Covid-19 pandemic in 'less than two years' -- Euronews
WHO chief hopes coronavvirus pandemic will be over in less than two years -- CNET


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

15% of colds are actually caused by corona viruses and not rhino viruses.

We have had other corona viruses such as MERS and SARS.

There are so many Ccorona viruses out there that COVID 19 has to elbow its way back onto stage, if it is going to get any respect.

a better understanding of the immune system is being had due to COVID 19 in particular and in general form other research.

The controllers have shot their wad. They have had to retreat on HCQ. They will retreat on masks. the more they talk about it the more people come up to speed on masks and filtering. The harder it will be to zoom people again.

The disease show how great America is. We have a lot of centenarians, so we must be doing something right.

We are also doing a lot wrong with crime, homelessness and immigration. Remember all the homeless camps Democrats set up in the last year? Then came COVID. COVID would have come with or without the camps, but it was made worse by liberal policies.

Believe it? LA city hall had a typhus outbreak in the fall of 2019 before COVID hit, because Garcetti (D) and other Democrats cannot get it done.

Anonymous said...

And Parrot was here at 0944 with his special bird dropping.

Parrot is as smart as Sabrina Strings PhD.

Anonymous said...

Agreed,9:51. It used to be three dots. Now it's 9:44.

Look at me! Look at me!


Fred said...

yo! morons...You are as usual vzery wrong so change your tampax and try to do some reading. If you know how.


Anonymous said...

Why are complete recitation of NYT articles, name calling, and oft alluded to but mostly unstated (& borrowed) opinions so despised?

One word describes it:


Anonymous said...

Clerky's mad Let's see didn't clerky say " if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen"!

Anonymous said...

Describing someone as an ultraCREPIDARIAN is venomous? Really? I think a nerve was hit, because a person was described so precisely.

I think venomous is some person throwing around names like CHUDS for years on end and providing insightful commentary such as"OCRUMBOGATE."


Anonymous said...

Social Security

IF I give a bank my money, at a later date they hand it back.

If I give my money... actually I do not give my money ... I am FORCED to give my money or they send policemen that Demo-Mother Fuckers call bad to arrest me.

....When I give my money to the government I get back pennies o the dollar. They have their handling fee for the workers at SS, then there is the graft and corruption fees for the higher ups ... there are the deductions for people high schoolers having babies out of wedlock...

Yeah social security it is really great Fred.

Lets get real. You do not live in castle ward behind your moat base don social security.

Why do you have a moat Fred? Why are you afraid of your fellow Democrats?

B.Poster said...

Anon (9:49),

Well said. "The controllers have shot their wad." I actually look forward to the day that the "controllers" not only retreat but start to face arrest, imprisonment, and the financial ruin they tried to inflict on us. Our economy is rebounding. Americans have proven to be incredibly resilient. The controllers dis not anticipate that.

Anonymous said...

The WHO is currently completely in alignment with Chinese demands, considering how much they've lied and backed for China so far. Also, with tbe US having pulled out of the WHO funding, China is now top dog over there.

And they're totalitarian on what's to be said and when. Don't talk about Taiwan.. not even when they have learnings to share for the world regarding how they handled the Wuhan virus and when they first picked up chatter of this disease in China's social media outlets.

And don't talk about that this virus is a chimera, produced in the Wuhan level 4 bio lab.

Don't talk about the security lapses there.

Don't call it Wuhan virus, give it an abstract academic name and call people racist when they associate it with the country of outbreak

Don't talk about reparations in the trillions for the economic damages and mass murder and pain unleashed

Don't talk about that we sealed off the roads to the lab during the incident and that photographs exist.

Don't talk about that we withheld genomic data about the virus. Don't talk about for how long we knew about the outbreak and let the world get infected while we buy up PPE and profiteer of their deaths


do talk about how good a job we did
Do tell them it'll be over in maybe 2 years

War is coming if China doesn't come clean

This cost the world more than 2 world wars already and it'll be higher still. Wars have started for far far less.

And China has pissed off so many countries before this all happened with their theft and bullying.. even Putin gave China a hint to cool it in the media recently, which is very very clear language if done this way

So, China.. we all live? Or not.. your move. Do the right thing. Come clean and change for the better. Reject this totalitarianism. Reject the silencing of doctors.

And we must do the same in our countries. Reject the media silencing and untrue narratives. People died because of this. Suicides. Devastating business losses. Families broken apart. Hunger will kill an additional 200 million according to UN projections due to food shortage

Germany killed 10 million or so and apologised many times over, credibly so.

China will have killed hundreds of billions, devastated the world, profited of our deaths and insulting us on top, calling us racist while we die of their biolab "accident" at best, first strike weapon/ attack at worst. But crime against humanity and insult in all cases. INSULT to us all, having to witness our relatives gasp for air in isolated rooms, lonely. And then call us racist when we complain

No more. Come clean while there's time!

Everyone who can leave China, should do so now is my advice

Anonymous said...

Last paragraph "hundred of millions", typo:) but I'm sure they would if we were enough lol

Anonymous said...

Dr. Tedros's statement translated " I really like my job and you're gonna need me for a couple of years".