Saturday, August 22, 2020

Editor's Note

I am taking it easy for the next two days. For the past few months I have been involved in a project that exhausted me with the long hours and stress. I thought I was finished last weekend, but like all things it ain't over until it is over. Fortunately, this project is now over, and I need not be concerned about it anymore. I will be posting here and there for this weekend, and I will be back to WNU's long awaited regular schedule of heavy blogging this Monday.


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. It's time to lay down in bed, prop a pillow under your head, resume a long delayed read of a very enjoyable book, and let the world go chase itself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Promises, promises, promises!

Anonymous said...

“So, you no longer use the term Black Identity Extremism,” - Cory Booker (D)

“That's great news.” - Cory Booker (D)

“So, nobody is being investigated or surveilled under black identity extremism?”

- Cory Booker demanded of Christopher Wray.

But it is okay that Senator Booker protected black extremists. Moshe Deutsch was a practicing Jew and so in the eyes of a liberal, he was a bad man.

Anonymous said...


Booker recalled those days, especially Shabbat dinners on Friday evenings, as filled with “incredible intellectual discussion and debate” about the Torah and writings that Boteach recommended, from Viktor E. Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” about Nazi concentration camps to ancient Jewish scholars Hillel and Maimonides. He said the “camaraderie” and religious study at L’Chaim was “sharpening my purpose in life.”

“Cory’s a Christian, but he found great spiritual nourishment in Judaism,” Boteach said. “He loved the universality and the global nature of the Jewish texts we studied. His whole presidential campaign is about that, about going beyond politics to find a common humanity.”

Anonymous said...

Cory met with Jewish leaders, so he could get Jewish votes. Period!

Where the rubber meets the road, he made damn sure the FBI would not surveil anti-Semites, who preach against and murder Jews.

If a senator met with black leaders and had supper with them , but made damn sure that the FBI would not survveil the KKK or neo-NAZIS knowing that periodically those 2 groups murder blacks, what would you say about that senator.

4:!2 are you that fucking stupid? OR do you thin we are that fucking stupid that we would believe you lame, very lame explanaitons/lies?

Anonymous said...

Google, moron...You are full of shit and do not even look anything up!

AG Barr Asked Rupert Murdoch to ‘Muzzle’ Fox News’ Judge Napolitano for Criticizing Trump:

Hiltzik: The mystery of who put up Dejoy's name for postmaster general - Los Angeles Times

I mailed my ballot in on time. Florida tossed it. 2020 will be much worse.

Mr Goggleman said...

He keeps a Hebrew Bible on his desk.
--OK, Booker also keeps the New Testament, the Quran and the Bhagavad Gita, according to this 2013 Tablet profile, but as keen-eyed author Yair Rosenberg notes, the senator’s is not just any Tanakh — it’s an ArtScroll, which rhymes with “hardcore” for those who know from serious Bible study.
The Boteach bromance
--A friend invited Booker, a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University, to an event at L’Chaim, the university’s Jewish society. The friend didn’t show, but Booker quickly bonded with the group’s founder, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, and they became fast and longtime friends.
--Booker, a Baptist, went on to become president of L’Chaim.
He does Jewish weddings.
--OK, he does them for his former chief of staff, Matt Klapper, who is now a senior adviser to his presidential campaign. Booker participated in the exchange of vows at Klapper’s 2016 wedding to Victoria Edelman.
He delivers drashas.
--Booker likes to open his speeches, to Jews and non-Jews alike, with Torah analysis — and he likes to make a big deal about how weird it seems.
--“Today I want to do something a little different than you were probably expecting from this Christian man from Newark, New Jersey,” Booker told Yale’s 2013 graduating class. “I want to do something that has probably never been done before at this university. I want to stand here as a Christian goy in all of my non-Jewish self and give you all a d’var Torah.”
--Two years earlier he told Chabad of Greenwich, Connecticut, that “a tall black man from New Jersey” is about to talk about the week’s parsha. He advised the crowd to “get over it.”
--The senator also likes to intimidate Jewish journalists with his knowledge.
--“Booker at points seemed to know more about my Jewish culture than I did,” Jonathan Tepperman wrote in a 2002 profile in The New York Times Magazine.
--“I’ve met most of the Senate’s other Jews, and I can say with a high degree of certainty that Booker knows more Torah than they do,” Jeffrey Goldberg, now editor of The Atlantic, wrote in the New York Post in 2013.

Anonymous said...

Well, after all the time some have spent in a vain attempt to convince me of something about a guy who failed quickly in a presidential run a while ago...ya'll should have laid down and picked up a book instead.

Crusader said...

Hooray...Mr WNU’s back. Normal service shall resume again... erm...again.

Anonymous said...

Cory Booker keeps a Jewish Bible on his desk. That is what is known as a prop.

His meeting with Jewish leaders is acting.

Who is dead? 3 Jews.

Why? Cory Booker protected The Black Israelites.

You do know that the Black Israelites consider Jews to be fakes and that the Black Israelites are the true descendants of the ancient Israelites?

How is it that the government can have informants in Elohim City, Oklahoma, but not among the Black Israelites? Do you see the hypocrisy there?

Anonymous said...

Sure Cory Booker failed this go around, but he is still in the Senate and still causing harm/

He can run for president another 4 times or so.

As the Democrats stack the electorate, he could win in the future.

I realized that Cory Booker is one of the holy of holies and that criticising him, a bigot would be flushed from cover. Besides libtards have started banning books.

Anonymous said...

Air Force helo from support squadron for presidential detail shot at over northern Virginia

The Left is at it again.

Anonymous said...

The Refugee Crisis Is Now a German Superhero Movie