Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Hill-HarrisX Poll Says Trumps Approval Is 48%. Disapproval At 52%

The Hill: Poll: Trump approval ticks up to 48 percent

President Trump's job approval has ticked up to 48 percent in a new Hill-HarrisX poll, a 1 percentage point increase from the same survey conducted earlier this month.

Fifty-two percent of registered voters in the Sept. 18-21 poll said they disapprove of Trump's job in the Oval Office.

Trump has a much higher approval rating among men, 54 percent, than women, 41 percent, in the survey.

The president remains underwater with Black voters, but the poll found his support has grown among the key voting bloc.

Trump was approved by 19 percent of Black voters in a study conducted Sept. 5-8. That number increased 6 points to 25 percent in the most recent survey.

Support among White and Hispanic voters held steady, at 55 and 37 percent, respectively.

The Hill-HarrisX poll was conducted online among 2,804 registered voters between Sept. 18-21. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.9 percentage points.

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WNU Editor: This poll used a very large sample, but it was an online poll. Their sample was also skewed in favour of Democrats .... 37% to 32%. But there were some surprises. Blacks gave President Trump a 25% approval, and Hispanics were 37% approval. If this is how the vote breaks down in November, President Trump will be easily re-elected. Another surprise was that seniors over the age of 65 gave the President a 44% approval number. This is a low number for a Republican, and troubling because seniors do vote in large numbers.


Anonymous said...

But Biden will win the popular vote. Never and that it will be due to lies, fraud and illegals.

"When illegals get driver’s licenses, the California Department of Motor Vehicles automatically registers them to vote. By 2018, the “motor voter” program added one million “new” voters, but secretary of state Alex Padilla isn’t saying how many actually voted."

"Trump administration moved to deny green cards to those who have used public assistance. In a legal challenge to the measure, California attorney general Xavier Becerra tipped his hand that 10 million “immigrants” live in the state."

Biden will win by 10 million votes, all of them illegal and from California.

Democrats will riot that their fraud is not taken as fair play.

Anonymous said...

How many seniors do online surveys?

Anonymous said...

Seniors are the most at risk group from Coronavirus. The constant barrage of negativity surrounding that is probably contributing to those low numbers for Trump.

Anonymous said...

Also, Biden is the first dementia candidate. He's probably got a lock on that voting block...if they can remember who he is and that there is an election this year.