Tuesday, September 22, 2020

In A Major US-China War, Whose Side Is Southeast Asia On?

South China Sea: In a US-China war, whose side is Southeast Asia on? Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia ponder the unthinkable

* Amid China’s military drills near Taiwan and fears that the South China Sea is becoming a proxy for Washington and Beijing’s deepening rivalry, Asian analysts are considering the worst-case scenario
* Caught between superpowers clashing in their own backyard, Southeast Asian nations might find staying neutral is not an option

Across Southeast Asia, scenario planning exercises by analysts and policymakers preparing for the unthinkable – a military clash between the world’s two largest economies in their backyard – has taken on added significance in recent weeks.

Tensions between the US and China, already fraught over trade, technology and the South China Sea, deepened as Beijing protested against Washington’s ties to Taipei and conducted military activities close to the self-ruled island last week.

The question “What will happen if a shooting war erupts between China and the US?” has played on the mind of Manila-based defence researcher Jose Antonio Custodio.

His answer, without hesitation, is: “The United States will go ahead and position their troops here.” The Tagalog word he uses is brutal: “sasagasaan” – run over. “The Americans will just run over the Philippine government.”

“This country can’t say, ‘leave us alone’ – exigencies of war will take over,” says Custodio, a non-resident fellow of the think tank Stratbase ADR Institute.

The Philippines suffers from a bad hand in dealing with a superpower war.

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WNU Editor: If given a choice, Southeast Asia will side with the US.


RussInSoCal said...

Somehow it seems that China just doesn't ever work or play well with others. A familiar strategy from some 80 years go. /China, the victim - alone against the world.

It didn't work out well then and it won't work out well now. Ignorance of history guarantees its repetition.



Anonymous said...

It's hard to tell.. it all depends on china, really. If they feel under pressure, they'll take Taiwan. Then if things escalate further they'll make an assessment if Japan will be a threat, and if so, they'll have to decide what to do about them because they're excellent fighters and neither side would give up easily... if they feel Japan stands down if Taiwan gets steam rolled, then they'll heavily defend just Taiwan and get slapped with sanctions, a few ships lost, before UN tells everyone to stand down while China basically did an annexation move. Two years later Taiwan tradition is subdued, CCP will rule and they'll have extreme popularity in mainland because no one will sanction an aggressive hyper expanding China. So they could easily pull this off.. no one seems to do something about the Wuhan virus poisoning the world, they won't care about Taiwan. They didn't care about the concentration camps in China or the mass sterilisation and ethnic cleansing programs either

It's Nazi China sympathiser time.. CNN/NBA/Nike style... the countries and people+organisations that appease China now will forever be remembered the same or worse as those who collaborated with Nazi Germany

Unknown said...

I think u should hug each other

Unknown said...

Try some Dmt

Unknown said...

See what s up

Unknown said...

U just might find it

Unknown said...

Find life true love