Wednesday, September 23, 2020

New Report Advises The U.S. Army Should Plan To Send Four Divisions To Taiwan In The Event Of A Chinese Invasion

David Axe, Forbes: The U.S. Army Should Plan To Send Four Divisions To Taiwan: Expert

If China invades Taiwan and the United States opts to get involved, the U.S. Army should be prepared to deploy tens of thousands of soldiers and thousands of heavy vehicles to the island country and “drive the enemy into the sea,” according to a bold new essay from Brian Dunn, a former Michigan Army National Guardsman.

Dunn’s essay is one of several Taiwan-themed think-pieces in the latest issue of Military Review, the Army’s professional journal.

Many American military thinkers for decades have steered clear of publicly, and specifically, discussing the possibility of war between the United States and China over Taiwan. But with Beijing’s escalating aggression in the western Pacific and the Pentagon’s own increasing attention on the region, that’s changing.

“The U.S. Army is getting smart on Taiwan defense issues,” tweeted Ian Easton, senior director at the Project 2049 Institute in Virginia.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:The paper is here .... Drive Them into the Sea Taiwan-main-badge (Brian J. Dunn, Army University Press).


Unknown said...

Build a wall

Bigus Macus said...


Anonymous said...

Better they were there now. Guests of Taiwan.
What's with the Normandy mindset?
Military Review? How do they stay in business with articles such as is posted?

Layguy said...

As if china could be repelled.

Anonymous said...

China could easily be repelled with an entire army of mini-Biden warriors. They would be akin to samurai warriors and would almost instantly annihilate the Chinese hordes.

Mike Feldhake said...
