Tuesday, September 29, 2020

New US Presidential Poll Is Showing A Closer Race

The Hill: Biden holds narrow lead over Trump ahead of first debate: poll

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden holds a narrow lead over President Trump, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, released exclusively to The Hill one day before the first presidential debate.

Forty-seven percent of likely voters said they would vote for Biden if the election were held today, while 45 percent said they would back Trump. The survey marks a 3-point improvement for Trump and a 2-point decline for Biden from the last poll that was conducted in August.

Biden also led with likely voters who said they were unsure of who they were going to vote for, with 52 percent saying they were leaning toward supporting the former vice president at the ballot box and 48 percent leaning toward voting for Trump.

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WNU Editor: The reason why I posted this story is that the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll is not a Trump or Republican friendly polling company. IMHO they always under-sample Republican voters. But I will tell my Republican readers to not be cocky. This poll was done before the New York Times tax story, and according to Rasmussen Daily Tracking poll, it has probably hurt President Trump Their September 28 numbers now show only 46% of of likely U.S. voters approving of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-three percent (53%) disapproving.


fazman said...

Hillary was smashing trump in polls so l wouldn't read to much into it.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden will win the popular vote. California has 10 million illegals and at least 3 million illegal voters.

Virginia flipped to blue. Non-citizens get called to trial duty all the time. Any jury verdict where the jury had non-citizens would be thrown out on a technicality. Jury record are kept for ever. If a non citizen served on a jury and were called out, they would be deported.

But ID is rarely checked in Democrat precincts,. So these same people many of them would vote.

Anonymous said...

But our knowing commenters here insisted Biden would not show up for debate! what happened, know it alls?

Anonymous said...

Biden spent 1/3rd of September not campaigning, His wife campaigns harder than he does.

He is obviously a sick man. World leaders have been given performance enhancing drugs before to keep them up and going. Hitler comes to mind. He made good decisions while on those drugs.

fazman said...

His own team said he wouldn't, ask them.

Anonymous said...

no. they said given the ugliness of Trump's hate and remarks he should not. But that a suggestion, but comments here said HE WOULD NOT debate.

Anonymous said...

We'll see. Biden's team is asking for breaks ever 30 minutes. They might have to hit him with an injections every 30 minutes.

He has never had more than a 15 minute presser. I wonder why.

Also any party that says the Republicans want to throw grandma off a cliff or accuse the Republicans of wanting dirty air and dirty water has been ugly for the last 4 decades. Democrats are the party of hate.

Anonymous said...

"Biden Campaign Agreed Earlier to Electronic Ear Inspection at Tonight’s Debate — BUT NOW HAVE BACKED OUT OF AGREEMENT!"

We shall see.

Looks like backing out.

Anonymous said...

Biden's body will show up
All coked up and with a earphone telling him what to say

It'll be horrible to watch
Watch Biden going for his nose!!