Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

Good man that WNU. He is doing God's work. He so consistently posts on corona bad news you would think he is a dealer channel or sales channel for the New York Times or CNN.

It is almost like this:
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

Anonymous said...

Coronavirus: Why are the death rates different? - DW

From late March, but still valid points.

Anonymous said...

Severe coronavirus disease, death 'rare' among kids, UK study finds

August 28th

This disease seems mainly a disease of the elderly. If we did absolutely nothing, it would not cause society to collapse or slow it. This is all PIO. PIO is mechanism whereby a people full of hubris can kill themselves.

The best thing we can do to lower the death toll from COVID is make sue that the same people do not attend to COVID patients and non COVID elderly. The 2nd best thing we can do is practice better infection control among COVID patients in nursing homes.

But Democrats have been placing COVID patients in 1 star nursing homes. Government contracts go to the lowest bidder and Democrats are the party of government.

Laws need to be changed or the state health departments in some states need qa housecleaning or both. Protocols for disease outbreaks of flu, rhino virus, or corona have to be reviewed. Administrative and other controls need to be reviewed and the accountants really need to be consulted. If you gyp the costs, the system will fail resulting is business failure, lawsuits and deaths.

Employment records need to be reviewed. Nursing homes in some locales may not have citizens or green card holders as nurses or nursing assistants.

Anonymous said...

Panic Porn by Vox

"The Covid-19 risks for different age groups, explained"

Different age cohorts have different vulnerabilities to Covid-19, but nobody’s risk is zero.

By this reasoning there should be a lockdown and also no one of any age should ever drive.

Reporters, voters and politicians alike have failed Risk Management 101.

There is absolutely no risk that they wold ever accept.

Anonymous said...

Photos of Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Maskless in DC Airport Emerge After She Called For Mandatory Airport Mask Mandate


Airports are the mother of all virus hotspots and the Harlot of Babylon does not wear a mask there.

Anonymous said...

Mexico Has the World's 4th Highest Coronavirus Death Toll, But Democrats Want Open Borders

Anonymous said...

No more Cuomo (D) sending COVID patients into nursing homes and telling nursing homes that they cannot test them for COVID!

Anonymous said...

Chinese app giving voting advice?

Anonymous said...

The Trump people may engage in EW tonite.

They may jam Biden's ear piece, override the signal, and cause it rise to over 150 decibels. Biden will be in severe pain and will run off the stage. He will also be deaf in that ear for the rest of his life.