Sunday, September 20, 2020

Picture Of The Day

Participant of the unauthorized women's march "Girlfriend for Girlfriend" in Minsk. © Sputnik / Alexey Maishev

WNU Editor: The above picture came form this photo-gallery .... This Week in Pictures: 12 - 18 September (Sputnik).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Women are great targets for mass crowd manipulation

Super easy to influence
Naturally inclined to take selfies and march
Don't want to listen to "Male" rain and science.. stop MANSPLANING they shout

No wonder many of the BLM, antifa and radicalised left are women.

You tell them what's truth and they're without moral compass

Men are toxic they scream
And we are better, more inclusive, they repeat like idiots!

Then they buy handbags and call you shallow while they scream I believe her and abandon due process

Who needs due process? That's just some male patriarchy nonsense

And the revolution began

Anything goes. Kavanaugh showcased just how dangerous they can be and morally lost they are

The French revolution, the Russian revolution...

I guess we never learn, women are not an inch better than men. Not an inch. That's my take from the last couple years of seeing them in action. Disgusting what laws they put forward to promote themselves and what moral code they live by.