Thursday, September 17, 2020

US Secretary of Defense Esper Says Russia And China Have Weaponized Space With Killer And Energy Weapon Satellites

Sociable: ‘Beijing & Moscow have weaponized space through killer satellites, directed energy weapons’: Defense Sec

US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper says that China and Russia have weaponized space through “killer satellites” and directed energy weapons designed to exploit and weaken the US military.

The Department of Defense [DoD] sees its adversaries advancing their military technologies, and so it is doubling down on its own.

“In space, Moscow and Beijing have turned a once peaceful arena into a war fighting domain. They have weaponized space through killer satellites, directed energy weapons, and more in an effort to exploit our systems and chip away at our military advantage” — Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

Speaking at the Air Force Association’s Virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference on Wednesday, the secretary of defense stated, “China and Russia, seek to erode our longstanding dominance in air power through long-range fires, anti-access/area-denial systems and other asymmetric capabilities designed to counter our strengths.

Read more ....

Update: China and Russia ‘have weaponised space with killer energy weapon satellites’ (Daily Star)

WNU Editor: The Defense Secretary says the US is responding to these developments .... Esper: Air Force, Space Force Leading Charge to New Technologies (US Department of Defense).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a big deal.

The good people at CNN, like Don Lemon, say that white people in America (white toxic Male Republicans/Trump supporters) are the biggest threat to America.

So, I'm sure that you are being racist right now to even suggest Russia or China could be a threat to America.

You, sir have to do the work! Stop being so ignorant about other nations' doomsday weapons, they are just born that way, and I'm sure their concentration camps are in fact not that bad. And who doesn't want to be stabilised or have forced abortions? They're giving them away for free in China. How cool is that? Cool governmental planned family! They do everything for you over there, they even tell you who your emperor for life is, how sweet is that? All taken care of. No debates needed either. I kinda like that. The Republicans should really just get on with the program. Who needs debates these days? Free speech is also overrated! It hurts my feelsfeels

And they're much more inclusive and far less racist than we Americans, those 50-100 million who got eradicated over there had it coming! They gave Xi a look or said something, we shouldn't intervene, especially as we are so bad that armed African Americans who threaten police and are often on drugs in a violent encounter sometimes get shot(less often than whites by nominal and percentages, but it just shows how deeply deeply flawed we are).

I think the best way to address these space weapons and threats by China is to interpret them through a critical gender study lense. Because once we break the patriarchy, everything will be better, as the morally superior and inclusive as well as intelligent female leaders, namely Maxine Waters, who called for the formation of mobs , Hillary Clinton who deleted 30,000 subpoenaed emails and destroyed hardware she was meant to hand over and has shady connections via her foundation, and called for an end to civility until"we are back in power", or those many good deeds Pelosi does, from breaking her own rules during lockdown and lying and scheming all day long. THEY are the future not the toxic male, our Chinese financed gender and critical race theory university failures say who couldn't make it into a proper science due to the patriarchy. Lol you get my point

- signed Libtard/Democrat social justice warrior