Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Said She Is Worried About A "Race War" In The U.S.

ABC 6 News: D.C. mayor worries about 'race war' after urine thrown at cops, Trump's divisive tweets

WASHINGTON (WJLA) — Mayor Muriel Bowser said Monday she worries about the country descending into a "race war" after violent acts were allegedly committed by some agitators toward D.C. police officers during several days of protests that became tense over the weekend.

Bowser said urine and projectiles were thrown at officers during the protests.

The mayor and Police Chief Peter Newsham also said "outsiders" are at least partially responsible for the violent protests over the weekend, saying 70% of those arrested lived outside Washington. Newsham said the city is investigating the "outside agitators" and are working to determine if they were paid.

Read more ....

Update: DC Mayor Bowser worries about 'race war' in America (FOX News)

WNU Editor: Yeah. All those Trump supporting white conservatives attacking police officers, burning and looting stores, attacking pedestrians, toppling statues, general mayhem and widespread riots in a number of major cities, etc.. Mayor Muriel Bowser has failed in her job, so why not blame the White House. And it is also clear that she and other Democrats want to kill this message that is being spread around .... Is President Trump Saving America From A Race War That The Left Is Trying To Forment? (August 27, 2020).


Anonymous said...

She knows exactly who is funding the violence. Deep pockets of the professional Left. No mystery.
She and all other mayors under attack say the same words and do the same actions.

There are no surprises nor renegades among these Dems.

RussInSoCal said...

Bowser and every other Democrat City mayor is purposefully transforming their cities into 3rd world banana republics. Where if you don't vote or behave in the way they demand, you receive no services. You get your power turned off, you get denied police protection, you get set upon by mobs. Common techniques of your average tin horn fascist dictator.

Luckily most Americans live in Trump's America. Not Democrat Cities.

Amp1776 said...

Brought to you by pelosi, and company. years in the making.


Anonymous said...

Unqualified and pathetic. Without a racial based vote she would never have been elected.

kidd said...

charlie manson helter skelter he already said black and white war in usa back in 1966

kidd said...

all the lsd

Anonymous said...

Elements trying to destroy America and its happening, Americans must unite before everyone realize that they are on a side they thought pro american idiology. Those who speak like saints are with black shadows around them (Dem)