Saturday, September 12, 2020

Will The U.S. Military Leave Incirlik Air Force Base In Turkey And Relocate To The Greek Island Of Crete?

Washington Examiner: US eyes Greek island as alternative to Turkish base due to ‘disturbing’ Erdogan actions, senior senator claims

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s “disturbing” foreign policy has spurred U.S. officials to intensify preparations to withdraw from Incirlik Air Force base, according to a senior Republican senator and American analysts.

“We don't know what's gonna happen to Incirlik,” Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee for Europe, told the Washington Examiner. “We hope for the best, but we have to plan for the worst.”

Erdogan has threatened American access to the base, which reportedly houses dozens of U.S. nuclear weapons, multiple times since he squashed a failed coup attempt in 2016.

Read more ....

Update #1: Pentagon Eyeing Greece as ‘Alternative’ if Erdogan Closes Incirlik Base - US Senator (Sputnik)
Update #2: Is the US about to move its 50 nuclear bombs from Turkey to a Greek island? (Greek City Times)

WNU Editor: I do not see this happening. Even though tensions between Greece and Turkey are now at their highest in decades, the Greeks have a long history of not being supportive of a US military presence in their country. The establishment of a permanent major base in Crete will only aggravate these tensions.


Anonymous said...

Greeks are changing. Turks are changing. Middle East is changing.
Old alliances are changing. New alignments are forming that were unimaginable 1 year ago. Israel and Arabs are aligning against the twin threats of a Turkish and Iranian hegemonic dreams. The US is assisting in forming these new alliances.
Greeks are showing nimble diplomacy in forming a anti Turkish bloc. Remember kicking Turkey out of the F-35 program began as murmurs in Congress before it became settled US policy. Leaving Incurlik is a possibility.

Anonymous said...

Sands are shifting indeed. Get those nukes out, under their noses. When the decision is made to leave, it would be very foolish to have them on site still.

Jac said...

Either we have to kill Erdogan or we have to leave Turkey. This situation is not going to last long.

Anonymous said...

Azwar is a jerkoff