Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Chinese Invasion Of Taiwan Would Be A Huge Mistake

A Chinese Y-8 anti-submarine warfare aircraft of the People's Liberation Army is seen in this image shared October 11 by the Taiwan National Defense Ministry. Taiwan's armed forces said radio warnings were issued and missile systems put on alert as the aircraft entered the island's declared air defense identification zone. MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA 

From the author: "China may find out, however, that by the time Beijing is ready for war, Taiwan will have cemented relationships with powerful friends, the ones Chinese leaders fear." 

“In an extreme situation, every country has a right to shoot first,” said Shen Dingli of Shanghai’s Fudan University to the New York Times. 

Beijing looks like it is once again organizing its house academics to threaten the people of Taiwan, this time to intimidate the United States into not aiding the endangered island republic. Shen preceded his menacing words with a warning to Taiwan’s president. “The United States,” he said, “unfortunately may mislead Tsai Ing-wen to misjudge the strategic situation.” 

This month, Beijing has been busy issuing “red lines” and “bottom lines” to America, much like it did in May of last year. Then, in addition to declaring a “people’s war” on the United States, it publicized a phrase it had used in the past before employing force. 

People’s Daily in a commentary titled “United States, Don’t Underestimate China’s Ability to Strike Back” stated, “Don’t say we didn’t warn you!”

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Besides the political and economic costs that China would incur if they invade Taiwan, the Taiwanese are also making it very clear that there will also be a heavy military cost .... Taiwan Wants Strong U.S. Defense to Make Invasion 'Painful' As China Conflict Fears Grow (Newsweek).


Anonymous said...

F-117’s are in flying shape and there’s at least 40 ready to be sold to Taiwan.
Do it surreptitiously.

Mike Feldhake said...

Like I stated before; China invasion is all hype, no backbone. It would be a terrible idea for all but very bad for China.

Anonymous said...

Gordon Chang is a sad hack. Dude claims to be China "expert" and can't even speak Mandarin.

jimbrown said...

China has nothing to gain from invading Taiwan except to avoid a civil war.

It would instantly create a massive anti PRC alliance and a ruinee economy.

They're not stupid.

We meed a new iron curtain in the east to mark the new cold war border.

Anonymous said...

Eastern Iron Curtain. I can buy this. Good idea, methinks.

Anonymous said...

The long wished mistake.

Muhammad Azwar said...

Nice Post.
Also check this out
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