Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Japan Launches Protests Against China For Entering Its Territorial Waters

NHK News: Govt. protests longest intrusion in Japan's waters 

The Japanese government has lodged a protest over two Chinese patrol ships that navigated in Japan's territorial waters off the Senkaku Islands for more than two days. 

It's the longest intrusion into the waters in eight years. 

Coast guard officials say the Chinese vessels entered the waters off the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea on Sunday morning. 

They left the waters on Tuesday evening, more than 57 hours later. 

It was the longest intrusion since Japan's government purchased some of the Senkaku Islands from a private Japanese owner in 2012. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: China's resonse is that these "waters" belong to them .... Chinese ships remain in Japan waters near Senkakus for record time (Kyodo News).


Anonymous said...

All your bases belong to us
And your money
And we will take your property too and make you forget your history

- China

Muhammad Azwar said...

Nice Post.
Also check this out
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