Monday, October 5, 2020

China Says Its Response To A US Drone Attack Will Be To Destroy The US Bases Where They Came From

US Air Force uniforms feature a reference to China during recent drills in California. Photo: Air Force magazine 

* One option could be to target the base where the American unmanned vehicle came from, a Chinese strategist says 
 * Assessment follows a shift in US drone exercises towards the Pacific 

China’s most effective response to a multiple US drone attack could be to hit back at the unmanned vehicles’ base and destroy the entire fleet, a Chinese military analyst suggested after reports that a recent US drone exercise might have been aimed at China. 

As one of the hi-tech weapons of modern warfare, drones can be difficult to detect because they are small and operate at low altitudes. 

So the most effective countermeasure could be to shoot down at least enemy drone, use data from the debris to determine where it came from and then blow up the rest of the fleet at its base, the observer said. That though could lead to a rapid escalation in tensions. 

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WNU Editor: Destroying US bases will definitely dramatically escalate into a major war.


Anonymous said...

My ears were tired of china, its like listening to a recorded tape over and over again.

Anonymous said...

China is cruising
for a bruising!