Sunday, October 4, 2020

Could President Trump Have Taken More Precautions To Prevent Being Infected By The Covid-19 Coronavirus?

ABC News: Nearly 3 in 4 think Trump did not take appropriate virus precautions: POLL 

The results come via a new ABC News/Ipsos poll. 

As President Donald Trump remains hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after contracting COVID-19 this week, nearly 3 out of every 4 Americans doubt that he took seriously the threat posed to his well-being nor the steps necessary to avoid contracting the virus, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday. 

In two separate questions, an identical 72% said that Trump did not take the "risk of contracting the virus seriously enough," nor "the appropriate precautions when it came to his personal health." The poll was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos' Knowledge Panel on Friday and Saturday, following Trump's positive test early Friday morning. 

WNU Editor: Could President Trump act like Chinese Presdient Xi and make himself scarce as the Chinese President has been seen the start of the pandemic. Showing up only on a few carefully scripted events? Could President Trump be like Russian President Putin and govern from a bubble. Putting everyone under a two week quarantine period? Could President Trump be like Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and stay most of the time in his own home, coming out for special announcements and going to parliament under a tightly controlled environment? China is China. Russia is Russia. Canada is Canada. The U.S. is different, and it is symbolized by its President. He cannot act like other world leaders, nor do I think most Americans want him to contrary to the above ABC News poll. I am sure that he could have taken more precautions. Coulda/Shoulda/Woulda. But need I remind everyone that even doctors and medical staff are still getting sick, and they take precautions to the ultimate limit. I had mentioned on more than one occasion at the beginning of this pandemic that I would not be surprised if the US President gets it. I am just surprised that it took this long. Bottom line. This is a very contagious disease. Our hope to not get the disease is to make the odds go in our favor. A luxury that no U.S. President in today's modern world really has.


Anonymous said...

Trump said it’s a hoax.

Anonymous said...

Lo & behold a troll posted 1st. Non one has said that corona wasn't a real pathogen. What they have argued is whether there should be a lockdown or no lockdown?

As Daryl would say: "Fuck off bitch!"

Serioudsy, 3:28 can you argue that the R0 or death rate was high enough to justify a shutdown?

Anonymous said...

Nearly 3 in 4 think Trump did not take appropriate virus precautions: POLL
The results come via a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.

Anonymous said...


The corona is the 3rd or 4th worst in America history. We did not stop the economy for the others.

Why this one? Simply because it would help Democrat Party electoral chances. The Swedes did not lockdown. They are not doing any worse than us.

1) You have a computer it seems or maybe you just have an iPhone. If you don't have a spreadsheet then get one and calculate and line up the death rates from various pandemics.

If you are honest you will compare Wuhan Flu to Hong Kong Flu (1968), Asian Flu (1958), and Spanish Flu.

If you are exceedingly honest, you will, admit that masks do not stop aerosols.

If you have a spread sheet you can plot the death rate of corona for the 50 states and show us the the NY death rate is an outlier. You could show us the US death rate with and without New York state included. You could, but you won't. You don't know how to use Excel for linear regression.

Anonymous said...

Democrats have fucked New York City in the Ass. First it was de Balsio, Then it was Cuomo, then the rest of the DNC joined in and NYC pulled a train. NYC is no longer continent. Odds makers are taking bets as NYC dying from hemorrhaging or the cornucopia of STD's that Democrats agave it.

The Democrat Playbook is

1.) Lockdown until eh economy is ruined.
2.) Get elected across the board.
3.) Print money
4.) Bailout the various Dukes and Ears for ruining their respective blue cities and blue states.
5.) Lose reserve currency status
6.) Hyperinflation
7.) Real riots.

5, 6, & 7 are not really in the play book, but it is the logical follow on of spending money like a Democrat pole dancer.

Anonymous said...

We are so used to laughing about the likelihood in 2020 of a new looming disaster. This one really doesn't fit the mold. Trump should have got the virus 2 or 3 days before the election. But the election is 3+ weeks away. To me this is evidence that 2020 has finally turned the corner.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON—President Trump didn’t disclose a positive result from a rapid test for Covid-19 on Thursday while awaiting the findings from a more thorough coronavirus screening, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Trump received a positive result on Thursday evening before making an appearance on Fox News in which he didn’t reveal those results. Instead, he confirmed earlier reports that one of his top aides had tested positive for coronavirus and mentioned the second test he had taken that night for which he was awaiting results.

“I’ll get my test back either tonight or tomorrow morning,” Mr. Trump said during the interview. CBS News first reported that by that point, Mr. Trump had received a positive result on a rapid test. At 1 a.m. on Friday, the president tweeted that he indeed had tested positive.

Anonymous said...

Oh look, a troll with no name and seemingly no brain posted @ 1800.

It is a copy and paste job apparently from the WSJ. When you quote someone, you usually put it in quotes, so people know that it is not your words, but someone else's word.

It is professional etiquette. But a troll having etiquette? Who ever heard of such a thing?

There is a big push underway to improve the teaching statistics in America's schools. Maybe trolls do not need to know stats. But if they did, they might have heard of the concept of "false positive."

Of course you might think a troll would learn the concept of cost benefit analysis. But that is many bridges too far.

Anonymous said...

The riots contributed so much in spreading the virus