Sunday, October 4, 2020

Why Is Israel Supporting Azerbaijan? The Answer Is Arm Sales And Iran

Carlota Pérez, Atalayar: Israel's game in Azerbaijan: arms sales and reports on Iran 

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, between 2006 and 2019, Israel provided Baku with around $825 million in arms 

A Christian country (Armenia) tells a Jewish country (Israel) to stop selling weapons to a Muslim country (Azerbaijan). A curious triangle that shows that, when talking about businesses and millions of dollars in arms sales, religious or other issues take a back seat. 

"Israel's supply of super-modern weaponry to Azerbaijan is particularly unacceptable in the midst of a large-scale aggression by this country against Armenia and Artsaj (Nagorno-Karabakh)," said Anna Nagdalián, foreign spokesperson of the Armenian government, during a press conference. "Such a position is unacceptable to us, and we took the decision to withdraw our ambassador for consultations," she continued. 

On Thursday night, Armenia called its ambassador to Israel for consultations due to the sale of Israeli arms to the Azeri country, just two weeks after Armen Smbatyan was appointed Armenian ambassador to Israel. On the same day, Azerbaijan recognised the use of Israeli-made weapons in its combats against the Armenian forces. 

For its part, the Israeli foreign ministry regretted Armenia's decision to withdraw its ambassador. Relations between Armenia and Israel have always been tense, as the Jewish country has never recognized the Armenian genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire in 1915 

WNU Editor: The above analysis is spot on.

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