Monday, October 26, 2020

Did A U.S. RC-135W Spy Plane Fly Over Taiwan?

Warzone/The Drive: Air Force Confirms, Then Retracts Statement That One Of Its RC-135W Spy Planes Flew Over Taiwan 

The United States has also just approved three arms deals for Taiwan, one of which includes short-range ballistic missiles that can hit the mainland. 

The U.S. Air Force has confirmed that an RC-135W Rivet Joint spy plane made a highly unusual flight over the northern end of the island of Taiwan earlier this week as part of an operational intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance mission. The United States has also just approved a new round of potential arms sales to the island's government, including short-range quasi-ballistic missiles capable of reaching the mainland. All of this follows a recent spate of threatening messaging from Beijing aimed at Taipei and its allies in Washington. 

Update: On Oct. 23, 2020, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Tony Wickman, the Director of Public Affairs for Pacific Air Forces, reached out to The War Zone to say that the original confirmation of the RC-135W flying over Northern Taiwan had been in error. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: China has made it very clear that if US planes fly over Taiwan, so would they .... China threatens to send warplanes over Taiwan if USAF flies over country (Taiwan News).


G said...

I can't wait till war is declared

G said...

Wish I could fight but ur not worthy

G said...

U fools

G said...

People we are light not flesh see

Stephen Davenport said...

So what, the government in Taiwan is the actual Chinese government.

Anonymous said...

Stephen, I think that's a great idea.
Let's declare China to be the rogue breakaway state. And Taiwan gets to rule and intimidate China Haha I'd get behind that ;)

Anonymous said...

Agreed. This would pull xi's chain to the breaking point.

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