Monday, October 26, 2020

China Warns That It May Limit The Export Of Rare Earths To The U.S.

China US Photo: VCG 

China announced to sanction firms including Lockheed Martin, Boeing Defense, Raytheon as well as individuals and entities that are involved in arms sales to the island of Taiwan. 

The latest response with unprecedented scale and strength against firms, individuals and entities involved in the arms sale came after an event in China to commemorate a war against US aggression in Korea 70 years ago.

It sends a clear signal that China's decision-making won't be disturbed by the US and any acts that have undermined China's sovereignty, security and development interests are bound to face serious consequences, analysts said. 

WNU Editor: China knows these restrictions will have an impact ....

.... For instance, many of Lockheed Martin's key products, including F-35 fighter jets and Patriot missiles, rely on components made with rare earths, analysts said. China is the world's largest rare-earth exporter, and the US imports about 80 percent of the rare earth it needs from China, reports said. 

This limit on rare earths exports will be in addition to these sanctions .... China To Impose Sanctions On The Defense Units Of Raytheon, Lockheed & Boeing For Their Arms Sales To Taiwan.


Anonymous said...

This will not happen with a Biden presidency.

Joe Biden just has to deficit spend, maintain the trade imbalance, sell more tech secrets and given up the name of more CIA spies.

All in a days work for China Joe.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden-Donor-Rich Goldman Sachs Admits to Record $1.6B Bribery Scheme

Remember this story.f

"The US Securities and Exchange Commission Has Just Paid A Staggering $114 Million To A Whistleblower"

$ 140 million of % 2.6 billion is approximately 5% (.053846).

Is 5% of the graft what the SEC pays out to whistleblowers? If so, then we may have linked the payout to a (now) known case.

IMO Goldman Sachs favors Democrats. The largest bank in the US favors democrats. And Democrats are for the little guy? Puh-lease.

Democrats also tell voters with a straight face "I love you, the check is in the mail, and ...."

In Clinton's case it was for reals!

He didn't want Monica leaving afterwards to go to a hospital and getting her stomach pumped. That would have been as bad as a blue dress.

So, who was Goldman Sachs bribing and why? For da money of course, but anything else?

Then there is this:

"recent CNBC analysis revealed that Wall Street has donated more than $50 million to Biden’s campaign this election cycle. CNN analysis found that “all the big banks” are backing Biden against Trump."

Yup, Democrats are for Wall street not main street.

People are better off now than 4 years ago according to a poll and that cannot be allowed to stand. Democrats and plutocrats are on the warpath!

Trump must fall and main street must be milked, sheared, and sent to the slaughterhouse.

Anonymous said...

The overhyped solar and wind energy efforts that depend on these materials will be impacted by this.
Articles for the last few years have told of chinese purchases of rare earth sources in various countries. It was clear china was taking care of china's future needs in this arena and could impact the rest of the world's countries by so doing should they want.
There is a mine in America, Mountain Home is the name I believe, that is unable to mine the rare earths found on it's property due to environmental legislation.

Anonymous said...

The Company that Goldman-Sachs colluded with is Malaysia Development Bhd.

There is a lot of corruption in Malaysia and China is often at the center of it.

Is Goldman cozying up to China. Are they the Dynamic Duo?

"The purpose for the dam was to meet growing demand for electricity. However, most of this demand is said to lie in Peninsular Malaysia and not East Malaysia, where the dam is located. Even in Peninsular Malaysia, however, there is an oversupply of electricity, with Tenaga Nasional Berhad being locked into unfavourable purchasing agreements with Independent Power Producers. The original idea was to have 30% of the generated capacity consumed in East Malaysia and the rest sent to Peninsular Malaysia."

Ghost Cites

Un-Needed Dams


What about the Ethiopian dam?

"While China is not directly funding the dam’s construction costs, Chinese companies have been brought in for much of the construction work—drawing on Chinese expertise in the hydroelectric sector. For example, it was recently reported that Chinese companies were awarded contracts earlier this month to “pick up the pace” on the project, with contracts worth $40.1 million and $112 million awarded to China Gezhouba Group and Voith Hydro Shanghai respective"


"Is This a Chinese City in Malaysia?"

I have no love for Malaysia. The government has an apartheid system in Malaysia. Maybe the best thing is CCCP encroachment.

Anonymous said...

China stole countless trillions from us and attacked us with a biological agent. We should make sure we can get our raw earth minerals from our own mines and elsewhere. China will no longer be recognised as a state soon. It's a terror group

Jac said...

Restriction ? So what ? We have a huge strategic inventory for the defense. That said, as a "war economy" we are able to make all what we need pretty quickly. Well, the "ecology" will be very very bad, but war is war.