Sunday, October 4, 2020

Have Americans Given Up Watching Sports?

Breitbart: NBA Finals Game 2 Ratings Crash by 68%, Least Watched Finals Game in History 

Both Game 1 and Game 2 of the NBA Finals between the L.A. Lakers and the Miami Heat have suffered the worst ratings crash in the league’s entire TV broadcast history. 

Despite the matchup including two of the league’s biggest stars (LeBron James and Anthony Davis), Game 1 of the Finals on Wednesday was a huge ratings disappointment for the NBA. 

Game 1 averaged only a 4.1 rating and 7.41 million viewers on ABC, “comfortably the lowest rated and least-watched NBA Finals game on record (dates back to 1988),” Sports Media Watch reported. 

But if the league thought things might improve for Game 2, it had a bitter pill to swallow because the second in the series did even worse than the first. 

Game 2 cratered with just 4.5 million viewers and a dismal 1. 9 in the ratings. This embarrassing showing was down 68 percent over Game 2 in 2019. 

 The 2020 Game 2 event now rates as the lowest ratings ever for an NBA Finals game. Until Friday, Wednesday’s Game 1 was the lowest-rated in league history. So, it seems the Finals keep going down. 

WNU Editor: The last thing that I want to watch at a sports game is politics or a sport thrashing my views. But that is what American sports has become today. Speaking for myself. This is the first year in almost 25 years that I did not even bother to watch one NHL Stanley Games playoff. I totally ignored baseball. I have no clue on what is happening in the NFL. And as for the NBA. I was not aware that they are playing their finals until I read this Breitbart post this evening. Sighhh .... thank God for soccer. 


Anonymous said...

Blame the black racists in BLM and their self-hating white enablers. I will never watch pro sports so long as these racist blacks are indulged. Maybe, if management regains their sanity and purges these black racists from the league, Americans may come back pro sports.

RussInSoCal said...

Formula 1, Indy and NASCAR. Race grievance politics is there too, but is much smaller doses.

Anonymous said...

You got to college, you avoid people like Jemele Hill unless to vote to increase student fees and doubly so if they vote to send student fees to their racist organizations.

You listen to the news and politics. You hear people like Jemele Hill spew. You change the channel. At election time you vote for who you want ignoring Jemele.

But Miss Hill got a job in broadcasting. She did not become a policy wonk, community organizer or politician. She became a sport anchor more interested in politics than sports. Now she is you change the channel from news to sports and, she is there too.

People like Jemele Hill were at it over 5 years ago. Jemele Hill got slapped down after too long of a time of politicking on a non political job and lightly at that. It did not faze her.

If you want to know what it was like o American campuses in the 80's and 90's, well now you know. It birthed monsters like Jemele Hill.

Anonymous said...

There go the millions in salaries, advertising, and so forth. Hard times for them but not for me. I have other interests.
So now the question will be will the millionaires step back and ponder their behavior and the results therefrom?

RussInSoCal said...

10:37 PM

I think they are totally ignorant of the fact that they are killing their own golden goose. As far as I'm concerned they can take their whole operation - players, coaches staff and fans - and export it all to China.



Anonymous said...

You're exactly right about their ignorance Russ. They really think it's good and that they're winning.

Layguy said...

Thank God for soccer!

Mike Feldhake said...

I’m watching College Football, that’s always great in the fall. Did not see much Political theater the last few weeks. Gave up on the NFL again this year and the NBA left me years ago.

Amp1776 said...

Get woke, go broke.