Monday, October 5, 2020

Is The U.S. Secret Service Going Rogue Against President Trump?

U.S. Secret Service agents stand at their posts as the Marine One helicopter departs to fly to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, October 2. REUTERS/Leah Millis 

Jacob Heilbrunn, National Interest: The Secret Service Is Going Rogue—Against Donald Trump 

The job of the Secret Service is to protect the president of the United States. It is not to engage in political commentary. But it is clear that this line is being erased by the elite service. Indeed, as active-duty agents are quoted in the media criticizing Donald Trump, it is increasingly clear that the Secret Service is going rogue. 

After Trump briefly circumnavigated Walter Reed hospital in a Suburban, criticisms of the president were widespread. Many of them were justified. But those criticizing the president also included Secret Service agents, a development that no one should welcome. 

Here are some of the eyebrow-raising remarks that agents made. The Washington Post reported that an agent said, “He’s not even pretending to care now.” And CNN reported the gripes of a number of agents:

  "That should never have happened," one current Secret Service agent who works on the presidential and first family detail said after Trump's drive-by, adding that those agents who went along for the ride would now be required to quarantine. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I remember listening last year to a recently retired Secret Service agent saying that in terms of quantity of threats, President Trump has received more than any other past President. Considering how much hate there is in the media and in social media against President Trump, that should surprise no one. But if the above story is true that the US Secret Service is going rogue .... oh oh .... we definitely have a big problem.


Layguy said...

Give me a break. Pathetic. Uninspiring. Fodder.

Anonymous said...

Time for the big-mouthed agents who give media interviews criticizing the President to be removed from the Presidential protection detail. We can not trust men such as these to protect our President.

Anonymous said...

Trumps doctors approved the drive by.
I call bullshit on the reporting. It is an anonymous drive by lie.

Mike Feldhake said...

Quite frankly WNU Editor, I am becoming distressed by your willingness to post crap; even when you know it to be true by your own admission!? Let’s stop adding click bait and wasting people’s time and causing people’s blood pressure to spike. This is unhealthy!

Anonymous said...

* I heard the agents volunteered. Are all agents married? If you are not married and volunteered, you have a 14 day paid staycaiton on top of your normal 2, 3 or 4 weeks!

* The agents might consider 14 days investment as having a good return given that Biden likes to go Caligula on their wives. It almost came to blows between the SS and Bad Touch Joe.

* It was printed in the National Interest. Every time I go to that website I am guaranteed that there will be 3 Paul Pillar "Orange Man Bad" articles "above the fold."

* How many total SS are there? How many supposedly or did complain? What is the percentage? What is the breakdown between conservatives, liberal or independents in the SS?

* How many times does a liberal SS click his heels and shout "Jawohl!" ?

Anonymous said...

Someone on radio (local) said there was plexiglass (or something) divider between the driver and the back seat.

I need to see where the president sat in the car ad see about the divider.

Does COVID magically drill through plexiflass now?

Has it mutated that much?

Anonymous said...

The National Interest is not a drive-by publication. They are referencing quotes by anonymous Secret Service agents from the Wash Post. It is a legitimate story and I thank the WNU editor for posting it. SI suggest that readers not try to tell the editor what to post and what not to post. If you don't like the story selection--don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Anonymous said...

ABC, NBC, & CBS are drive-by media. That was back in the 1990;s You are are the firm opinion that nobody joined them over the years in their debauchery?

In my opinion the coverage or Dharfur, Somalia, Kony are excellent examples of the media conducting drive-bys.

"The National Interest (TNI) is an American bimonthly conservative international affairs magazine edited by American journalist Jacob Heilbrunn and published by the Center for the National Interest, a public policy think tank based in Washington D.C. that was established by former U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1994 as the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom."

TNI would not be the first foundation or organization that liberals, RINOS or other suits wormed their way into and took over. Pay day s good. you don't have to get your hands. You have social status.Best of all you do not have to produce results' you do not have to really work. All you do is opine. you don't have to run numbers (Math is hard) or learn much science.

The Washington Post is a partisan newspaper owned by an equally partisan American of Senatorial Class. Having learned English any reincarnated Roman Senator, Optimate or Populares, would be intimately familiar with what the purpose of the Wash Post is.

Anonymous said...

When doesn't the media lie?

Here is another examle:

Liberal Media in August 2019: Proud Boys are Right-Wing Latinos…
Liberal Media in Sept. 2020: Proud Boys are White Supremacists

Lying is the media's forte.

Anonymous said...

I stopped reading the National Interest stuff on this site a long time ago. Eye catching military headline oriented speculative articles stretched way out to the horizon.

B.Poster said...

Obviously POTUS is not very sick. His symptoms were/are "mild" and virtually "asymptomatic." It appears the medical team panicked by recommending hospitalization. Perhaps because he us POTUS they erred on the side of extreme caution. Maybe they wanted him to look bad.

By having someone in rhe hospital who didn't need to be there valuable medical resources were sucked up. I think this is the angle the media should be taking.

Medical personnel who treat COVID-19 patients do not quarantine. They take reasonable precautions. Presumably Secret Service personnel do as well. As such, I would want to be around those with POTUS to thank them for their service and for stepping up.

Whether we like it or not American presidents are major world leaders even "the leader of the free world" as some call them. For him not to have taken the trip around the medical center to reassure Americans and the world that he is fine would've been a dereliction of duty and poor leadership. Frankly, as he's not very sick, he never should've allowed them to take them to take him to the hospital.

RussInSoCal said...

7:52 PM

I heard the same thing - that the agents volunteered. This story that USSS agents are "Going Rogue" on President Trump is just more fake news. Like everything else they push out.

Anonymous said...

"For him not to have taken the trip around the medical center to reassure Americans and the world that he is fine would've been a dereliction of duty and poor leadership. "

If you are the leader, you need to be seen. In the Battle of Hastings, William needed to show himself after a report of his death swept his troops. Otherwise, his army would have panicked.

The usual suspects had dire prognosis in part because bad news sells and they wanted the profits for their corporation in general and their career and career earning in particular. Plus, the suspects are team players and their team is the DNC.

Since these suspects often move the ball forward for their syndicate by leaks, Trump had to show himself.

Plus Trump enjoyed it. It was good for his spirits, It was good for the spirits of the people gathered outside. Plus this is bigger than Trump; he was compelled. It is the nature of life. Go to an acting class and it might be explained to you.

Anonymous said...

The fact he got sick, highlights this issue. I think Trump and the SS have always had a hard relationship, i think the SS have always had a President who did as he was told and personally i think they take their job much too seriously. Which would highlight a security flaw in that they would be "hardliners" and most people who tend towards that thinking are authoritarians.

Anonymous said...

All intel agencies lie and oppose trump
all the MSM lie and are against Trump
All Secret Service and Science agencies lie and oppose Trump
All Liberals and Democrats lie and are against Trump
Most foreign leaders are against Trump

leave anyone or group out?

Anonymous said...

"All Secret Service and Science agencies"

The Secret Service is an agency not agencies. That is singular not plural. you got a little carried away there with diarrhea of the brain, but I you had a good time and that is all that counts.

The Secret Service employs about 3,2000 agents. So 2 or 3 complained and?

I would like to see them go on the record when they retire.

"all the MSM lie and are against Trump"
The MSM by definition lies. It is the older news organizations. Again you had diarrhea of the brain.

"All Liberals and Democrats lie and are against Trump"
They are of the opposition party, a party that has show a propensity for more than average vote fraud and lying. It is not a shocker that most of them would, lie. However youa re wrong again . Tulsi Gabbard does not appear to be cut from the same cloth as the others and they viciously attacked one of their own.

7:41. You should just give up.