Monday, October 5, 2020

Live: President Trump Expected To Leave Walter Reed Medical Center


Anonymous said...

What's the difference between watching 10 hours of TV daily at the hospital or the White House?

Please go and hang out with some GOP senators, sir. Just cough all over 'em.

Anonymous said...

'lil lib feels the need to post first and disparage early and often.

He, she, xer must be apprehensive about the outcome.

A real person would feel able to support themselves instead of praying for a political victory by the Democrats and handouts or hand me downs. You know the leader class of Democrats will get the good stuff sand the epsilons will get the hand me downs.

Pro-tip: You know what Mainlanders said about America? It is east to live here. If they find it easy, then your inability to thrive must be your own damn fault.

Anonymous said...

Pro-tip: people who use the term "pro-tip" are insufferable clods.

Anonymous said...

I hit a nerve. Mainlanders really said that. It is why a 3rd of them stayed here.

So Democrat voter complains "That it is so hard and they can't make a living." Mainlander comes here and finds it incredibly easy after living under communism.

You would think that a person of average intelligence would get the hint that life under communism, which they pine for, is no panacea, but would actually suck big dick.

But they never cone to that conclusion leading observers to think that maybe they are below average intelligence or they like sucking big dick like a champ.

6:50/7:00 hang it up for the night don your black clothing and burn some stores. It is your way.

Anonymous said...

I guess they did get off the internet, don their black clothing, and loot a store.