Friday, October 16, 2020

New Head Of MI5 Ken McCallum: Russia Poses The Biggest State-Based Threat To The U.K. But China Is The Growing Long-Term Challenge

Zero Hedge: Britain's New Spy Chief Says China's "Covert Activities" Biggest Long-Term Threat 

In a rare public interview, the new chief of Britain’s domestic security service MI5 has vowed "to do more" in taking on China at a moment fears of 'Russian interference' in UK elections has been supplanted by what's increasingly seen as the greater and more sophisticated 'covert activities' out of Chinese intelligence. 

“The national security challenges presented by Russian, Chinese, Iranian and other actors are growing in severity and in complexity,” MI5 director-general Ken McCallum told a security briefing and UK media, later reported in Financial Times. But while he acknowledged the threat from these hostile actors makes for “a nasty mix” it remains that Beijing’s espionage activities mark a unique kind of danger, according to the security services chief. 

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WNU Editor: I agree about the long term challenge from China. The West is totally unprepared for what is coming down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Biden is the prototype of what's wrong with the West

- credibly assaulted a woman, gets pass
- credibly enriched himself in a corrupt way, gets pass
- likely participated or at least was aware of a coup against a duly elected president, the media ignores it

Why would anyone still want to pay taxes or participate in a society where this is what our leaders look like? What future do we have if our elected leaders collude with enemies who poison us, steal from us and insult us?

In what way, and I mean this, is Biden not the enemy of the people, and not a traitor?

ffs he even touched children inappropriately

What future is there for the West if this guy gets elected because the left media protects him?