Tuesday, October 13, 2020

New York Times Reporter Says America's Coronavirus Recovery Happening Faster Than Expected

Donald G. McNeil Jr., New York Times: A Dose of Optimism, as the Pandemic Rages On 

The months ahead will be difficult. But the medical cavalry is coming, and the rest of us know what we need to do. 

On March 16, back when White House news conferences were still deemed safe to attend, President Trump stood before reporters and announced that drastic nationwide restrictions — in schools, work places, our social lives — were needed to halt the coronavirus. 

The guidelines, “15 Days to Slow the Spread,” were accompanied by a grim chart. Based on a prominent model by London’s Imperial College, the chart illustrated with a sinuous blue line how many Americans might die if nothing were done to protect the public’s health. 

The line rose sharply as the estimated deaths went up, then drifted slowly down until finally, at the far right end of the graph, the number of new cases reached zero. Our national nightmare would end by October 2020 — that is, right about now. Along the way, if no action was taken, about 2.2 million Americans would die. Dr. Deborah Birx, one of Mr. Trump’s science advisers, referred to the graph as “the blue mountain of deaths.” 

Clearly, the pandemic has not ended. So far some 215,000 Americans have lost their lives to the coronavirus, and reliable estimates suggest that the number could reach 400,000. Health experts agree that, with stronger leadership, the death toll would have been far lower. 

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WNU Editor: Original projections were calling for 2.2. million Americans dying from the Covid-19 pandemic. So yes. Many were expecting a medical disaster and it has not happen. But I think it is still too soon to say that we are recovering from the pandemic.


Anonymous said...

2 weeks go by and you hear the same names of the same nursing homes. Obviously, they cannot disinfect enough surfaces.

If they could disinfect all the surfaces, you wouldn't want to live there, wouldn't want to live, and might as well borrow the furniture of sci-fi film set of a film about a dystopia.

I now know the names of all the nursing homes in all the surrounding counties. Well except for one. They closed that one. Apparently, it had too many vacancies.

If you hear the same nursing homes in the news week after week, then the virus is stilling burning its way through the home room by room. Thus you have those peaks.

My advice is to lose weight, get outside and exercise by walking or running for your life, if you live in a blue city. Walkers in blue cities are fast!

Muhammad Azwar said...

Nice Post.
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