Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Time-Lapse Map Reveals How The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Ripped Across The U.S. Since March 1


 * Harvard and Brown Universities have been tracking county-by-county rolling averages of daily case increases in the US 
 * Now, they have compiled their tracking into a timelapse map of where the virus has become most active between March and October 
 * The coasts were hit first, followed by states in the sun belt, and now the Midwest and Rocky Mountain states are hardest hit 
 * Eleven states are now in the 'red,' meaning they need to issue stay at home orders to come back from the 'tipping point' of uncontrolled spread 
 * Those states include: North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wisconsin, Utah, Idaho, Iowa, Wyoming, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Tennessee 

In a matter of months, coronavirus swept the the US, touching every corner of the nation - but where the virus is most actively spreading has shifted dramatically over time, a new animation from Harvard and Brown Universities shows. 

After the East Coast surge of March and April, the areas of concern shifted to the sunbelt and the US as a whole seemed to get a grip on transmissions for a brief relative lull in the summer. 

But as broad a swath of the country as ever is now in the red as 'high risk' for COVID-19, with the virus's spread becoming most out of control in the Midwest and Rocky Mountain regions, the Brown and Harvard map reveals. 

WNU Editor: The above video is a Daily Time-lapse Map of the COVID-19 USA Contagion Spread from Map Business Online. The Harvard time-lapse map is at the Daily Mail link.


Anonymous said...

Things have only gotten worse with web development. It can look very glossy.

Marketers, demographers, political consultant (David Axel Rod/Carl Rove) can identify areas down to the zip code or smaller (prison, nursing homes etc.) back in the 1980's.

Line that COVID map up with maps of obesity. Use the same mesh size.

If you really get granular, you will see nursing homes pop right out like pulsars surrounded by cold space. If you see a country in a state get the dreaded dark shading and you know there is no major city there and it is out west, BINGO, you found an Indian reservation. And you will find ... obesity there.

There was a documentary about the Obesity epidemic, diabetic epidemic overall poor health and how the Hopi dealt with it. They fell back on an old tradition. Running. Those Hopi participating and sticking with it are not going to fall victim to COVID like their Indian, Hispanic or Anglo peers.

This disease is about metabolic and immune calibration. You only get that with work or faux work (exercise).

"Why has Navajo Nation been hit so hard by the coronavirus?" - AL Jazeera

"Compounding the problem are the high rates of heart disease, diabetes and obesity on the reservation."

Amp1776 said...

How they SAY it spread. lots of ppl were being diagnosed with "bronchitis", while crazy Nancy was dancing in Chinatown...

Muhammad Azwar said...

Nice Post.
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