Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Riots And Looting In Philadelphia After Police Officers Fatally Shot A 27-Year-Old Black Man Armed With A Knife During A Domestic Disturbance Call

Daily Mail:
Moment Philly cop is run over by speeding truck as hundreds of BLM protesters clash with riot cops after police shoot dead knife-wielding black man 

 * Protests have erupted in Philadelphia after police officers fatally shot Walter Wallace Jr., 27, on Monday 
 * Late in the night, growing anger turned into a violent standoff outside the Philadelphia Police 18th District HQ 
 * Several officers have been injured by bricks and other projectiles thrown at them by demonstrators 
 * One officer was struck by a vehicle and the shocking moment was caught on camera by a protester 
 * The shooting of Wallace Jr. took place along the 6100 block of Locust Street, just before 4pm 
 * When police arrived, they said they found Wallace holding a knife, which they say he refused to drop    
* Two officers then opened fire, striking him multiple times, and he was later pronounced dead in hospital 
 * Wallace Jr.'s family say he suffered from mental illness and was on medication at the time of his death 

Rioting, vandalism and looting erupted in Philadelphia on Monday night hours after police fatally shot a 27-year-old black man armed with a knife during a domestic disturbance call. 

Late into the night, growing anger boiled over into a violent riot near the Philadelphia Police 18th District building. Several officers were injured by bricks and other projectiles thrown at them by a crowd of demonstrators. 

At least 30 officers have been hurt with 12 hospitalized including one female Philadelphia Police Sergeant, 56, who suffered a broken leg after being hit by a speeding pick-up truck that was videoed driving towards a line of officers close to the city center shortly before 1am, according to Philadelphia Police. 

Local reports also suggest at least 30 people have been arrested. Multiple instances of looting have also been reported across the city. Police said multiple stores were looted including several Rite Aid stores in West Philadelphia, clothing and shoe stores and one restaurant. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I have seen the video of the shooting. It looks like a "suicide by cop" situation. The mother's frantic attempts to restrain her son and her screams of agony when the police had to open fire killing him are terrible. The media focus will be on the police and the riots, but the real focus should be on America's terrible drug problem, mental illness, and the failure to address this growing health emergency. 

 More News On Last Night's Riots In Philadelphia 


Anonymous said...

Liberals killed Walter Wallace fair and square. Like George Floyd they will want to put up a statue to him, but in reality it is their way of putting up a hunting trophy, doing it in plain sight, and getting away with it.

Anonymous said...

Some propagandized Minnesota Democrat opined that police should have used tasers. I think that is a typical liberal mindset and response.

Maybe she does not know that tasers don't always work?

Maybe she does not care, if they work?

She would complain, if a taser gave a fatal heart attacks. You know she would. Would she complain, if 10% of the time tasers failed to stop a person and they mortally wounded an officer?

I would have to say yes. At age 18 the answer would be no. But after all the MSM, BLM, and college brainwashing the answer now would have to be no.

Anonymous said...

Biden would have most likely definitely just shot the guy in the leg.

Anonymous said...

Mexican and Chinese illegal drug trade is supported by Democrats via open borders policies. Also it is known the local narcos in Chicago are tight with some alderman. If that’s true in Chicago, it’s true in most major American city. All those cities are run by Democrats.

Anonymous said...

The underlying cause of this violent outbreak is the violence that exists in the black community. Anywhere in the world, blacks are proportionally more violent that other cultures and races. Mr. Editor, please do not censor this, for it is the truth.

Anonymous said...

So Democrats, whatsniffers, and cowards mewl that police should have used tasers.

Here is what NPR wrote about tasers.

In more than 250 cases over three years, a Taser failed to subdue someone who was then shot and killed by police.

Over the years, Axon has made some eye-popping claims about the effectiveness of its weapons.

They had more "stopping power" than a .38 Special or a .357 Magnum.

Tasers had an "instant incapacitation rate" of 86%, which grew to a "field success rate" of 94% and then 97%.


People do drugs for a variety of reasons. It might be social or recreational. It feels good and then you are an addict.

It might be due to hopelessness. You do not have a job.

What if Walter Wallace had a job and then COVID lockdowns came?

I think Wallace's mother should sue the governor of Pennsylvania for wrongful death, if Walter had a job that he lost due to loockdown.

Democratic Pennsylvania lawmaker caught saying masks are ‘political theater

Anonymous said...

BLM is a terror organisation and should be declared a terror organisation. Any organisation that supports them should be boycotted. Apple and Nike , companies with strong financial interests in China, have been hoodwinked to support BLM in the millions. Tim cook and any CEO supporting BLM should be forced to resign. They've created chaos, financed chaos and legitimized a terror group that targets civilians